How about a Bus.

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    I can envision this as a perfect Wine Country Tour Bus.



    I second that Emotion!

    We did that at last year’s Meet, but NO BUS.

    Napa & Pierce-Arrow was sublime.



    I think Greg Long needs to pick this one up. He has plenty of space.


    They sure want a lot for that bus.

    Ad states it is complete but shows no seats at all.

    Not even the seat frames.

    Would be a great old beast if it was restored but the seller won’t get anywhere near his asking price.


    Wonder what engine it has? Looks like you could fit the entire ownership class of ’38 in it.


    That big sucking noise you here is your life savings going into the restoration shop’s account. Very, very cool bus, that will cost five times the cost of restoring a car for a return of five percent on your dollar. I know the hobby shouldn’t be based on dollars and cents all the time,………but in this case it’s going to take a special person to tackle the project. It should be done…….the question is will it? I hope so.


    It’s actually a 1935. fair price however…..


    Whatever became of the one that came to the “100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY MEET,” here in Buffalo? Most of the Meet took place at Niagara Falls, New York, with well over 100 cars and trucks there on display. We were shooting for 200 vehicles, fell short by 20 or 25 vehicles. I believe the owner and his hired man were from Colorado. It was a decent restoration, and had a lot of the “old timers” amazed and shaking their heads. AH, the good old days!



    Hi Bob, hope you are ready for spring and hope you can attend the Indiana meet!


    If he would move the decimal point one digit to the left, the the price would be closer to reality.

    While the stretched ’35 car is interesting, it is far from desirable. Can you imagine the turning radius with that long wheelbase? It would be like driving a long motorhome.

    If it was a ’36, it would have a factory overdrive, which would definitely be a big help for moving that extra-heavy car down the road.

    Anyway, yet another car for sale that the seller is totally out in left field with the price..

    Greg Long


    This happens so often. . . . What motivates sellers to place such stupidly high prices on cars they want to sell.

    Maybe that’s the answer —- they don’t really want to sell.

    You see this all the time with “dealers” who advertise cars at ridiculous prices. I think they just want to use the car as bragging rights and if someone wants to pay that much money, fine. Otherwise the car really isn’t for sale.

    I sure miss the days when this was just a hobby.


    I believe that bus belonged to a collector here in the Seattle area. Its my understanding it doesn’t have an engine in it and sold rather cheap at the auction when they sold all his cars. He told me he bought it out of a wrecking yard in Arizona years ago and stored it here in Washington in hopes of maybe being able to restore it. He had the money to do it, but got sick and never got to it. It needs everything plus more…..a challenge, a wonderful project when finished, and a very serious investment.


    Is that supposed to have dual rear wheels?


    Sure looks like it is supposed to have dual rear wheels.

    There are two extra wheels inside the passenger area of the bus so maybe those are the wheels that go with the bus for the rear dual wheels?


    One of the pictures definitely shows the drive train missing. It would be interesting to understand the original engine, trans and ratios that got this thing in service.


    The 1936 commercial coach was built on a 204″ WB with the highest reported serial number of 3580039 indicating at least 39 were made. The Three body code prefixes assigned were 204H (sedan), 204J-1 (open top sedan) and 204J-2 (closed top sedan) though it is unknown which styles were actually built as no data has been reported.

    The 1984 book “Forest Domain of the Pierce-Arrow” by John Meyer includes quite a bit on these vehicles. Yosemite purchased 10 coaches in 1936. The original purchase contract is included in the book and the price was $5595 each. There is no explanation as to why these had 1935 features though it had to be cost driven. These were 8 cylinder passenger car drivelines. The standard rearend ratios caused problems. The following year Yosemite placed an order for special gear sets at a cost of $1165 for 15 sets. The commercial coaches had 6 wheels.


    About 6 years ago I bought the engine from a parted out 35 sedan. A prior owner of the car had noticed some unusual things about the engine and contacted Bernie Weis with questions. Bernie thinks the engine was built for commercial application.So if anyone is “mad at his money” enough to undertake this bus project, I probably have the correct engine.


    I think this could be Greg’s answer on how to get us all up to the Studebaker museum this June!


    One of the neat things about the ’35 commercial sedans (busses) is that they still had the Stewart-Warner power brakes on the wheels, but also had a disc brake on the driveshaft, engaged by the emergency brake lever. One of the first discs?

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