Jack Handle repros

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    I have just completed a 3 year project to reproduce two Pierce Arrow jack handles. Pierce Jacks can be found most weeks, but handles are never there. Please check out my ad in the emporium. The next repro handle will be the tri-fold Ser. 81 and 8 cylinder car handle. Also coming soon is the 1925 and up tool roll. This roll folds in from top and bottom and rolls up. It has three different leather straps to secure the tools inside and an outer strap and buckle that surrounds the roll. . More soon. Note: this is not a duplicate of any being made by Greg and the Mid West Region. Thanks, Karl


    Mailed you today a picture of a tool role such as you describe with Pierce Arrow tools as listed in the factory parts catalogue. I think that it is an original from 1928/29. My car is a 1930 Model C sedan.


    Bill, thanks for the photo. The tool roll you own is the same roll I am working on reproducing and will have for sale. I was able to borrow one for the project from a 1925 Series 80 Roadster. The material was green duck cloth, not tan as your bag but identical in construction. I then photographed a 1927 Series 80 coach kit from an other low mile car, this roll is in the same tan clothe as in your photograph. My first run of bags will be some of each color. The bags are cut, sewn, and binding installed. I am waiting for a call from the leather shop and they are ready to go. I can not confirm that the 8 or 12 cylinder cars continued to use this roll, however the Fairmont tool Co. was still the preferred source. Maybe we can find someone who can give us a photo from a low mile 1930’s car tool kit. Karl

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