Liscense plate for the 1930s and older.

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    We all have chatted about old liscense plates, their restoration or not.

    I am now curious about how many of you run your car with a single rear plate? If one plate, has local police hassled you for it?

    I ask because the front of my cars grille/bumper area is crowded. Thinking of running it with one rear plate.



    Our Pierce hasn’t been out and about with a front plate since the late 70’s.

    In Calif you are required to have both plates but the front plate sits in the trunk and goes along for the ride.

    Our Rickenbacker hasn’t had a front plate on it for at least the last 50 years though we do now have 2 YOM plates for the car.

    The police have never once asked about it and we have never been stopped by the police.

    I say just run with the rear plate and keep the other plate with you just in case.


    Richard……most of my cars don’t even have a real plate on them. I have custom plates made up in the state and number I want, in the colors I want. And I drive in one or two depending on the car, the real plates are kept in the trunk of glove box. Over the years I’ve been pulled over , stopped on the side of the road , and pulled over for going to a red light. None of the times that happened at the cop ever ask me about it incorrect plate even though they have my registration. Most of the time the cops just can’t be bothered.


    I have three cars without a front plate, the only one I had a problem with is a 74 Alfa that is my everyday driver and it is only an issue if I park at a meter on the street where a meter maid can give a ticket so I avoid street parking. I figure the ticket is less than the cost of manufacturing a front plate bracket where there never was one. I do keep the front plate in the car in case.



    I’ve been living in Virginia for over 30 years, and my Pierce is still running a single plate…from Louisiana!

    When I went to register my ’37 Cord at the DMV, I’d bought some Virginia plates for Year of Manufacture registering. Not knowing better, they were “TH” plates, which is truck for hire.

    I also needed to renew my driver’s license for the first time in Virginia. As the lady pulled up my records, she said “uh-oh”. I asked what the problem was, well, she said, you’re registered as a female driver. Huh? It took her over an hour, with three phone calls to Richmond, to get my license to say “male”.

    Then, I handed her the TH plates, she took one look and said you can’t register a car with those plates. I looked at her and said “What? You just put me through an hour long sex change operation, and now you won’t take my plates?” She laughed and somehow used them, and I always get told at shows that I have the “wrong” plates on my car….



    I have never met you, but are you sure you wouldn’t be a prettier woman than a handsome man. Did it hurt!!! lolo

    lolo That is an awesome story.


    p.s. Way cool car!


    In Maryland, they recently changed the rules for historic vehicle 60 years or older. One can now obtain a one-time, permanent, non-transferable registration (a black sticker for the plate). In addition, they only give you one plate for the car.



    Oregon requires two plates if you use plates from the year of the car. I have two plates of the year of the car on both of my Pierces.


    I am having repro 1933 plates made up with the current plate number shown on my daily driver. Back in 1933 they would have registered back to my grandfather.


    I am having repro 1933 plates made up with the current plate number shown on my daily driver. Back in 1933 they would have registered back to my grandfather.



    I solved that by making an ekstra bracket on the left side.

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