Ownership history

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  • #391707

    Hi,this car was bought from Friona Texas in 2009 by Mika.I bought it 2013.I wonder if anyone knows anything about the ownership history of this Pierce Arrow 1935 845 5 passenger sedan vin 310373(texas used Engine numbers as vin)serial number 2090265.All the best from Jack.Ps/if anyone have front and rear bumpers for it i would like to buy both.



    If you removed that center piece attached to your front bumper, I believe, you’ll find (what looks like) a 1934-1935 bumper under it.

    Hopefully, the rear was treated in the same manner?



    If memory serves me well known PAS member Fred Tycher owned the car in the late 1950’s and sold it to someone in Califorina and if fell of the radar screen until about five years ago. I have a suspicion that the owner was a secretive collector / hoarder where it was, along with some other cars that I would like to purchase, so I won’t divulge the location it came out of. I believe a dealer handled the sale, and the car was on eBay or some other site, I can’t quite remember. It is a very nice car. Ed.


    Hi Robert,the front and rear bumpers has been cut with a grinder.so there is quite big pieces missing.And the center pieces are lost somewhere a very long time ago.All the best from Jack



    The car was previous owned by a Calvin E. Smith, 1303 North Avenue, Brownfield, Texas 79316.

    There is no indication that Fred Tycher was ever involved with his car (sorry Ed).

    I find no other history on the car other than Mr. Smith, but perhaps someone else has better data than do I.



    Hi Edgar,thanks for the information,Yes its a nice car it runs drives and stops,what a fantastic American machine.All the best from Jack


    Hi Peter,thanks for the Texas information,I am happy for any history of the Pierce Arrow,have a nice day,Jack


    Peter, I am overseas right now and don’t have access to my records. Maybe I am confused with a different car, is this the one that was sent overseas?


    Yo Ed,

    The Bernie list shows a one line entry for Calvin Smith of Texas.

    There are no comments about the car, no nothing, save for Calvin Smith.

    BTW, I trust that you are enjoying yourself while across the pond.



    Hi.i.have.2.new.bumpers.for.my.car.it.looks.good.moved.it.to.a.new.garage.yesterday.oops.a.friend.is.in.the.same.garage.a.1934.Pierce Arrow.EDL.ps/i.think.there.is.only.about.5.Pierce Arrows.in.sweden.and.at.least.one.Pierce.motorcycle.4.cylinder.all.the.best.from.Jack.

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