PAS on Facebook

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    I tried this once before and did not have much success, but I am going to try again. The Pierce-Arrow Society does have a Facebook page, it is administered by Linnea Oakes, and it has over 200 members listed. I would like to see this page become a lot more active than it has been in the past and, the one way it can do that, is to enlist new members, and have those members begin posting on a regular basis. let’s not restrict ourselves to just posting on this forum, or in our e-mails, lets post on the PAS Facebook page as well. If you are already on Facebook, and you are not yet a member, ask Linnea for admission. let’s put the PAS on the Facebook map and see if we can’t recruit some new members through this process as well. It is our group page after all, let’s start using it.



    That is a good idea.

    We discussed it in a Board Meeting a few years ago and declined to pursue the matter because few, if any Board of Director Members are FaceBook members (myself included).

    However, if the PAS wishes to reach and attract younger members, perhaps we should not be so much like the PAMCC, but change with the times.

    I will make sure that it is a Board Agenda item for discussion either for the Winter Board Meeting or for the Annual Meet Board Meeting.

    BTW, does that mean that I really need to activate a FaceBook account?

    I guess so, huh!



    Thank you for your input Peter. I was very hesitant myself to open a Facebook account, but I did so at the request of my family members. I think, once you get set up on a Facebook account, you will be surprised at it’s advantages to reaching out to other people. Sure, there are some downsides, but, overall it can be a very interesting & informative experience. I think we need to hear some input from those members that are already on Facebook to try to encourage others, like yourself, to get set up in the near future. Any takers out there?…


    I’m a Facebook member for years and find it informative and fun and a quick connect to other members. Would be beneficial to PAS.


    I first got on Facebook a number of years ago, to connect for a high school 40th reunion, and then expanded it to see what my five children are doing.

    It’s a good venue to keep in touch and share information.

    I had to get off of it during the election. If you expand into the political arena on FB, you’ll soon learn that A) you don’t change anyone’s mind nor ideas with your carefully crafted and well thought out dialogue and B) you’ll get called a lot of nasty names in the process.

    Also, try to limit your “friends” to people you really know and care to hear from. It can get a little silly when a few hundred people want to be your “friend”, and you have to weed through them posting every darn random image the Internet has to offer, all the while thinking they’re the most clever person on the planet.

    All that said, use common sense, and it’s a great communication resource for us…..


    Glad to hear that the Facebook page is up and going again. I was on it last year and then told it was shutting down do to lack of interest. My wife and I use Facebook for our Real Estate Business and find it beneficial.


    I have been dead set against creating a FB account for years.

    But at the behest of a cousin that does high end network security and a few others, I think I may take the plunge and create an account so I can help out the PAS in the process.

    I don’t have much interest in connecting with former ‘friends’ of the past but if it helps the PAS it will be worth it.


    Craig, I too, was very hesitant about setting up an account, but I did so and am very pleased with the results, I now administer two group pages and they are quite successful. I only make “friends” with people I actually know, and have corresponded with on FB for some time. Once you get set up and start adding friends, I think you might be surprised at the results. If you need some pointers, just let me know and I can help you along.


    My biggest concern is that just the internet and email is a huge ‘Time-Suck’ for me.. The internet and emails consume at least 2 hours of my time everyday. And this is NOT because I’m a one-finger guy on the keyboard either, I type reasonably well. It’s that I have so many diverse interests and contacts that it simply takes time to answer or write appropriate comments on various boards and forums.

    If or when I add FB to my list of ‘must look at’ items for each day, well, it might be noon before I get out to the shop each day..

    BUT, I COMPLETELY AGREE that in order to find new and younger people who would likely be interested in Pierce Arrow history and automobiles, We HAVE to use the current popular media.

    So, I guess I’ll reluctantly be dragged, kicking and screaming into the FB alternate world.

    Greg Long



    Facebook is not that bad…besides, if you have an interest in something, there is a Facebook group for it.

    Right now the PAS Facebook page is only posting photos of cars (at least, I’m the one posting most of them) but I want to expand that to get more of the members to post, everything from their own cars, to memorabilia they have collected over the years, or recollections and photos of past meets, etc, etc. Facebook can be very beneficial to you, but, be careful, you can get hooked very easily!…lol…


    I don’t think I’ll be posting photos of my cars, or photos of my memorabilia or parts on Facebook, It seems to me a way to invite theft and people hoping to be ‘pickers’ for bargains..

    Just my initial thoughts.



    Greg, that’s a good point.

    I always fuss at my kids, we’ll be on vacation somewhere and they’ll post photos saying where we are and the whole family is there…announcing to the world that we’re not home and the house is empty….

    Speaking of the Pierce site on Facebook, a ’36 convertible coupe was pictured on there at a meet in Spain…it’s my old “train wreck” car, hit by a train in the early 1950’s, convertible tub moved to a low mileage club sedan chassis and fenders, in fact the cowl was even from the club sedan, modified to fit the convertible body…beautifully restored now…It was too big a project for me….


    The Pierce-Arrow Society Facebook page now has a new look and a new lease on life. All members on Facebook are encouraged to come and check out the new site. Members are also encouraged to invite other members to the site. It the administrations hope that more members will use this page as a means of posting photos of events, and as a basis of discussions. Please stop by and ask for admission if you have not already done so. Let’s get the Pierce-Arrow Society on the Facebook map rolling again.


    Last post about the PAS Facebook page…I promise.

    The Pierce-Arrow Society Facebook page has recruited several new members over the past few weeks, and we hope to recruit more in the near future.

    I would like to see more members come aboard and start using it for shows, social gatherings, recent finds, restoration progress, etc, etc, or just taking the car out for a spin once in a while.

    While I love the forum here, we need to get ourselves out of just using this site, and expand our horizons across social media if we want this group to continue and prosper in the near future. I am not saying that Facebook will do all of that, but it is a start in the right direction.

    Please sign up now and let’s start using this page and, who knows, you might just have some fun doing it.

    Pep talk over…

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