PAS Roster

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  • This topic has 24 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by .
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  • #408906

    Re: powerpoint. Using powerpoint to compactly illustrate technical issues goes beyond just resizing or multiple pictures. If there is serious interest out there for a step by step tutorial on creating an uploadable JPEG image from powerpoint with text and arrows I could create one. Like most software, it is easy to use except the huge numbers of features takes a while to sort out. An example from a previous post is attached.


    David White said it well, simply that there are many aspects of this website we don’t want to lose. I could list those important to me, but we all have our favorites.

    I think it is very important that the website be improved but those changes remain transparent. Meaning, the look should stay the same — the way it’s used stay the same but new features building upon what we already have, if that’s possible. As David Coco pointed out, other Clubs remake their websites and they become a totally different animal and in some cases difficult or impossible to use anymore.

    As has been mentioned several times, contacting Board Members. . . .

    Who are the Board Members?

    I see this in the paper Roster, but some information appears out of date, like who the Webmaster is.

    Under “Contact the PAS”, the officers are listed. How about the Board Members and those chairing any particular committee?

    But I think it’s a great asset to the Society that we can discuss issues here and that BOD members view this site.

    — Luke


    BOD members should be listed on the website. They are shown in the Roster, but that information is well over a year old by the time the next roster is published and sometimes changes occur. Complete contact information is available in the roster.

    While not all Directors have the ability to accept phone calls to answer questions, some are often available. I’ll answer most times unless we are in a bad cell area. Otherwise you can call me anytime: 231-740-6610

    Dave Stevens



    As you mentioned, the most complete place for Board Member information is the printed roster. The printed roster is put together at the beginning of the year so there may have been a few changes to the 2018 Roster by now.

    The Regional directors are also listed under their specific region under the “Regions” tab on the left side of the webpage. Click on their name to send them an e-mail. The officers, who are Board members, along with the current webmaster are listed under the “Contact the PAS” tab. Some of the “Board Members at Large” and the “Directors Emeriti” are not listed on the website. -Dave


    Good discussion-

    I like the PAS website a lot. I perused it for years before becoming a member. Not off putting in the least. Now I love also reading the message board about how to repair certain items, etc. etc. It is an attractive site, and the font choices are big enough for my slightly senior eyes to see just fine.

    -Don Benham

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