radiator cap

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    Hello, i,m in the need of a radiator cap for a 1928 series 36. i would like buy one but also would like to see what it looks like. is there a difference in a 1928 and 1930…thanks for any help….edward



    Attached is a photo of one of the caps that came with my car, a 1928 Series 36 7p touring. The other is an Archer cap. 1928 was the first year the Archer was available as an option. See following post. Sorry, I don’t know of any available caps or whether later or earlier years will fit. I am out of town, when I get back I can take some better photos if you need them.

    Also, I just purchased a miniature tie tac of the 28 Radiator Emblem off of EBAY. The seller had a second one. About $20.



    Archer that came with my car. Both caps came with the car when I bought it. No reason to believe they are not original, although the car was restored in the 1980’s so they might not be. I have seen photos of other 28’s with the flat cap.



    I forgot to ask, what type of Series 36 do you have?


    David, thank you for the photo,s ,i would love to find an archer but i would be happy with just a cap….it looks like the cap would screw in on my rad….i have a seven pass. sedan..just picked it up in the Boston area…original body, interior was redone, not the best job.i,m also out of town be back in P. Friday……..Edward


    David, do you have the info on the tie tack…Ed


    Ed, your Model 36 should have the first version Helmeted Archer if you decide it needs one. This should be with NO grass at the base, and nickel (early) or chrome. 1929 and 1930 should have grass and be chrome. The helmeted archers also have a foot angle that changes from one to another but I have never seen anywhere that it plays into a year of production. The one pictured above has the grass and the 1931 bow, the original bow is pulled more and thus the ends located tighter to the helmet and knee. Karl


    I did an eBay search for Pierce-Arrow tie tac. I’ll get the info when I get to a computer.


    Dave, i found it on Ebay thank you…..Ed.


    Hey Karl are you working on the 30 yet…i would be happy with a plain cap for now, but it would look cool with an archer..i will just have to keep looking. would the one on my 30 work i could just switch them when i go out.Ed



    What is the OD of the threaded part of the cap and the threads per inch on the cap that you need?

    I have two excellent Series 80 “Parking Caps” that look like the pic above.

    Perhaps, they are the same, and i may be willing to let one of them go.




    From you description, I have a later archer. Do you happen to have a picture of the ’28 archer?



    Peter, when i get home on friday i will measure the opening on the rad.i do not have a cap at this time…maybe someone out there will know…Ed.


    Ed, I can measure mine and get you some better pictures when I get home Friday or Saturday.



    The Series 80 & 36 share the same cap which is Pierce part number 98521 per the parts books.


    Thanks guys, the photo’s would help at least i would know what to look for.. Ed



    The threads measure 2.03 on the outside, measured across the top of the threads. I don’t have a thread gauge, but measuring and counting, I get approx. 20 TPI.




    #3 of 3. Ed… If you need any other pictures let me know. This is the cap that came with the car when I bought it (along with the archer, which sounds like is the wrong year). I have seen several other Series 36s with the same cap so I believe it is correct. I don’t know about Series 80/81 caps.



    David, thank you for the great photo’s i believe i have located one from a PAS member…also thanks to everyone that helped. this has to be the best car club that I’ve every been a member of…Ed.

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