Silver Arrow Comes Home to Buffalo

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    I love the fact that in 1971, the car could have been bought for a reasonable sum…sure wish I’d known more about Pierce Arrows then, but in Louisiana back then, Classics, much less Pierce Arrows, were rare…

    The good news is that it will be in public view, more or less, for a year. Wish it could go to the real Pierce museum for a while…this is, with all due respect to Jim, the Buffalo museum..


    Does anyone know if any arrangements have been (or can be) made to bring it to Hickory Corners for a while?…


    The presence of the Silver Arrow at the beginning of the Great Race from Buffalo to Halifax sounds like a natural for a Pierce-Arrow Society something. Could scheduling a luncheon or post-start spot for refreshments make for a great get together, and encourage other Pierce-Arrows to come out, too?




    I will be there, come hell or high water!



    Querying Pierce-Arrow Buffalo on Google indicates there is a fair amount of activity going on in Buffalo, such as the planned renovation of the Goodwill factory administration building and the nearby Brunn complex. But nothing about the Art Deco showroom, etc., and nothing recently reported with photos of how the artifacts are doing.

    Is this a good time to put together an update?


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