Windshield wiper motors

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    I have found two correct windshield wiper motors for my 29. With that said, the shafts that goes through the windshield are of two differant lengths. Both clear the windshield. Does anyone know what is the correct length of shaft that should be use?

    Secondly, They are both chrome, but need to be rechromed. Does anyone know who might rebuild and rechrome these motors?

    Thanks in advance. Rick :)

    #398896 They are located in Long Island,NY


    thank you!


    Save yourself a lot of grief. 9 out of ten open Pierces of the thirties with exposed wiper motors are running on chrome model a Ford motors which fit the space, and work perfectly. The original motors, (I had them for my ’31) have a little more filigree decoration. The nonsense plating them, and getting innards to fit, etc. are exasparating. I sold them to a purist and left the Model A ones in the car.


    And let’s throw in the fact that vacuum wipers on a little open car windshield are a little bit of a joke to start with, in a heavy downpour they’re probably too slow, and you’re too busy with the towel on your lap mopping up water to help them along (mine are vacuum but have a small handle to operate manually). I Rain-x my windshield and ignore the wipers.

    CCCA judging it may make a difference if they work or not. AACA judging they’d never know nor ask.


    If you want the Ford wiper motors and parts, you can get them from Labaron Bonney or Mac’s Antique Auto Parts. is GREAT for all sorts of vintage wiper parts and the Rain-X works like a charm.

    Good luck!,


    Pierce Arrow Society judging will deduct points for inoperable wipers. The difference between the original and the ford wiper motors are not all that noticeable.

    Rain-X is definitely the way to go. I went to clean the windshield above the wiper on my ’33 Pierce, and the wiper had no been used for so many years [due to using Rain-X] that the rubber wiper had ‘melted’ to the windshield, and had to be cut off with a razor blade.

    And I have had the experience that David Coco described: the windshield only serves to direct the rain to the top of the glass, where the seal is poor, and then the top frame’s seal to the windshield frame is far from watertight, then on the sides the rain just wraps around the posts..

    When driving a touring car in drizzle or rain, a full rain suit is needed..

    I thought it ‘odd’ that in the door pockets of my ’25 touring there were 4 Tyvek white overalls suits. But they come in handy !!


    My all weather car, no sidecurtains, and a full time Mascot with fur ready to ride in any weather:


    Love that blue color Gregory!!! Magic!



    Thanks Jak, I really like it as well. I’m very partial to blue Pierce Arrows. This ’25 series 80 especially.

    Greg Long

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