I applaud your ingenuity, and doubly applaud not falling prey to the foam monster! As mentioned, original springs are quite specifically engineered, and I’m sure that over the years numerous cars have springs that weren’t fixed nor put together correctly when repaired.
Well done, a good solution to a difficult problem. By the way, Marshall springs have quite a history and go back quite a ways.
I now have 9 firm orders, and am proceeding. If you know of anyone who might want one, please let me know. I’ll place order early in December, and won’t be able to add more to order, if I understand the manufacturer correctly, he has to order materials in bulk. thanks for those supporting this project…dc
As of today I have 7 firm commitments for these floor mats. We need 10 commitments for this project to be viable.
If you have any questions, please email or call me. thanks David C.
picture of nameplate
There was a booth at Hershey that had a display of pocket watches for sale, with every major car manufacturer you could think of, and some you couldn’t. Must have had 40 or more different ones. I’d love to see an original Pierce pocket watch, but they are apparently truly rare. I have numerous Pierce pocket watches in my collection, all bought years ago, and I doubt any is real….
3rd picture
2nd picture
The other influence is whether it’s a cushion bike….spring loaded under seat and leaf spring front fork, both of which drive up prices. Ed is correct about men’s bike more valuable than lady’s bike.
A good original shaft drive with regular suspension 2500-3000. With full cushion frame, same bike is 4000 or more. Buffalo badged bikes bring a premium over Angola badged bikes. Excellent original condition command a premium over those values.
The problem with restoration is that a lot of collectors want original bikes, plus it’s easy to restore and put an earlier badge on it. I stay away from bikes that have screws holding badge on, originals were riveted.
My prices are estimates based on watching the market, Ed probably has better information. There are SO many variables that add or detract value in the turn of the century (TOC) bicycle market.
Ed, do you know someone who has done the Cub Cadet starter / belt on a 40 hp or so car?
I’d like to do it but speeds, pulley size, other questions arise…
Find someone that knows how to adjust mechanical brakes, as I’m assuming you’re saying the brakes are pulling when applied. It takes someone with patience and mechanical ability, but well adjusted mechanical brakes work great…
She’s not a member, but thanks to Rick have the name now, thanks!
Excusez-moi, s’il vous plait…..my mother called them sin closets….
I have a picture somewhere of the car and it states the owner’s name on it, but typical of old age, can’t find it. Thanks for the offer! Dc
It’s pretty impressive looking in person. Had he been asking a couple hundred I might have bit, but for 500 I can hire a high school kid to hold my pencils!
Near as I can tell from the cap it’s for a seventy-eleven cylinder car…or truck..
I know nothing, and the messenger has been appropriately shot! One never knows when someone is looking for something specific, so I felt remiss had I not passed it on….
Please start another thread, I thought too that this one is not the correct place for discussion. Thanks dc