How about the TUBES?
George Teebay says to go buy truck tubes.
What about those?
I lose air all of the time on my Series 80 tires in my BF Goodrich Silvertowns, and those tubes are made in the EU.
Any suggestions?
Gents & Ladies,
The OPTIMA DEAL is DONE for 2019!
You might wish to send an email to OPTIMA JIM to thank him for offering the PAS “The Deal””.
Thanks for participating in another successful OPTIMA DEAL.
I figure that YOU were the person to prevail on that eBay auction!
Is that catalog dated?
You could always offer it for sale on this website.
Of course, you will have to set a price, or try eBay and set a RESERVE.
If you set a HIGH Reserve, you would find out what the maximum bid was and then, if it didn’t sell, re-list it slightly south of that previous maximum bid.
Or, you could always keep it and drive that nice machine all over the country.
I agree with you about those sideview mirrors.
Did they come off of a 70’s FORD truck?
Beaten about the head is too kind of a punishment.
Death by 1,000 cuts would be better.
Here is the part info: Fan Belts – 24-28 – 80/81 Narrow pulley – Gates #556XS.
You can find this and other info on the Parts & Services section of the PAS Website.
The link is just below the Message Board link to the left.
Is that a Type-A taillight?
Like honest politicians!
Buy the original parts while they are available, before they disappear.
eBay was once flooded with Series 80/81 parts, but now they are very difficult to find anywhere.
Obviously, BREWING up some extra cash for the acquisition of another Pierce-Arrow.
Three Cheers for Roger Sherman, the Esteemed Editor of our award winning ARROW!
My copy of “Charles Clifton of Pierce Arrow”” also arrived!
You are obviously kidding!
Read the comments on YouTube!
The YouTube posting is a big DUH and OMG!
Thanks for the Monday Morning Laugh!
No, it is another Gent.
We will see if he gets back to me.
I contacted a guy who is selling a ton of TRIPPE LIGHT parts and asked him if he had any serrated wrenches for the lights.
He thought that he might and with luck will get back to me on the matter and have at least one for sale.
If he does, I will be in touch.
So PAS guys spend YEARS unsuccessfully searching in vain for that can, or any other Duplex P-A can, and you get to buy one when you bought your car.
Talk about falling into your lap.
You are indeed blessed.
My Series 80 has a multi-position light switch.
If I recall correctly, they operate as follows.
The First position turns on just the tail lights.
The Second position turns on the “City” lights, which turns on the tail lights and the small / top bulb in the headlight reflector.
The Third position turns on the low beam (and not the top bulb).
The Fourth position turns on the high beams (and not the top bulb).
On the back of the switch assembly there is a resistor (coil of bare stiff steel wire) that is likely how the low beam is lit by cutting the amps going to the headlight bulb.
I have done the same thing, hijacking, that is, and others have pointed out the tangential chit-chat.
I agree with their idea of staying on topic, and now when I feel the need to go asunder, I send an email to my fellow partner in the hijack.
It makes it better for the group interested in the original posting to not have to scroll through it to find if the offerings ever returned to the original.
Accept my apology if I went off track, but you may know, I have a slightly used vintage bridge to sell and if anyone on this discussion is interested in buying it, they should be in touch in care of my Brooklyn address.
Talk about a hijacked discussion!
How do Cord cars’ engines relate to LED headlight bulbs?
Fill me in because I am quite curious.
I didn’t see your big post before I responded above.
My K-S only has the assembly on the right and both the original that came with the car (installed in the 1930s?) and a replacement failed to give the results I sought.
I was not excessively compulsive about the repair / installation, etc., so I probably could have gotten it to work, but instead, I just fill up.
Pebble Beach is not a goal for Chauncey.
Chris Diekman did a nice writeup on the K-S a few years back. Perhaps here?