John Wozney, a member of the PAS Board of Directors did a survey and one of the items / questions on the survey asked about PAS Message Board use.
I calculated that the number hovers between 10-percent and 15-percent use the WEBSITE more than 4-5 times per month.
A huge majority NEVER visit the WEBSITE, and of course that also means that the NEVER visit the Message Board.
Perhaps John will provide more accurate statistics, as I merely reviewed his survey results and estimated the 10 to 15-percent number.
I could never own a car that I would have to keep that clean!
In 1970, I owned a band new, Primrose over Black, MG-B.
It was a fun car, but every month I needed to add one quart of oil.
I searched and searched for an oil leak, but I could never find one, nor was there ever any “throw-off” in the engine compartment.
It did not smoke, ergo I remained perplexed.
Even after trying different weights of oil, the oil just disappeared.
British Cars!
My next car, and all that followed were German.
No such problem with any of them.
Oil on the floor of the car?
On the front seat floor??
On the up-side or the down-side?
That is a theory, for sure!
Also in the old days (60s / 70s), pouring GOBS of STP in to the crankcase, like a quart into a 4 or 5-quart system, would temporarily quiet, banging bearings long enough to sell the car!
I think that they called that buying an Andy Granatelli Special.
That is one heck of a way to reduce oil-splash and quiet the engine bearing noise!
In addition to the Marc Ralston book and the AQ, v24, #4, Bernie Weis, editor emeritus of The Arrow wrote a book entitled: The Pierce-Arrow Motorcar.
That book is available through the Company Store (online here) and is a definitive work on the history of the PAMCC.
Next, Brooks Brierley wrote a few books detailing Pierce-Arrow (and other marques), including, but not limited to; There Is No Mistaking a Pierce Arrow.
Finally, Roger Sherman, the current editor of The ARROW, has a book coming out in a month that should cover the topic from A to Z.
I believe that this Series 80 has been around the block a few times for sale.
Others will comment.
Just delete the “http://” and then paste it onto the space below for Optional URL, OR, paste it and then edit out the “http://” Again!
Here is the active link.
I think that at the next Meet David White should put on a Mini (not Ed Mini) workshop on how to correctly post a link on the PAS website.
It appears from Greg’s photo that on the Series 80 intake manifold, the drop-down neck is shorter than on the Series 81 intake manifold.
It also appears that the neck of the Series 80 carburetor is shorter than that of the Stromberg O-3.
Perhaps, Greg will pass along the K&N filter information (P/N) for you Series 80 Gents, while all of you Series 81 Gents who run the Stromberg O-3, have that info on my post above.
Here is the non-concours K&N setup on my Seres 80.
I believe the P/N of the filter is RD-0700 and as you will see on the photo, it is held in place with a band clamp.
I believe that I telephoned K&N and gave them the OD of the air-horn flange and clearance height so that I obtained the correct filter as there are a dozen different opening sizes for the “B035B4 model they sell.
Ken, also note that I run a Stromberg O-3 carburetor on my Series 80.
That carburetor is from a Series 81 and has been on the car since the late 1920s.
In determining the correct filter to purchase, I made a number of measurements to figure out how much clearance I had between the top of the air-horn, minus the rock cap, and the bottom of the intake manifold, which is also from a Series 81.
I found a K & N air filter that with a minor adaptation fits nicely on the airhorn of my Series 80.
I DK the part number, but it was not difficult to find the correct diameter and to create a fitting.
If you are interested, be in touch and I will send you a photo or two with dimensions.
California is beautiful, as I think are New Mexico and Arizona.
I believe that the ideal is to live in the splendent Northeast in the summer and in the south or southwest in the winter.
I do not relish snow, but I tolerate it because I do not currently choose to own two homes 1,500 to 2,000-miles apart.
Each region of the country has its charms and its pitfalls and it is grand to go to PAS Meets across the country to sample the summer climate and offerings of those regions.
Attending the winter board meeting does likewise during the winter months.
My Series 80 also has an oil filter canister, although I am absolutely suspect of its utility.
The positive crankcase tube on my 1925 Series 80 comes out of the rear valve cover and goes into the air-horn base of the carburetor.
With everyone having their undies in a twist about the snow in the northeast, we who live there consider this a consequence of what is called WINTER.
The posting started as cute and then degraded to a sales pitch for California real estate (Ken).
ERR, how about FIRES?
I am not sure if the Northeast EVER lost an entire town to FIRE.
Yes, lovely California!
Give me 6 to 12-inches of snow any day rather than uncontrollable wildfires.
I have my BUFFALO GRADE, Track Driven, 28-inch wide, Honda Snowblower and I am all cleared out and ready for Monday Morning!
Also note, I am a Buffalo Transplant, so Winter IS, what Winter Does.
Spring is 2-months, 1-day away!
That Pierce-Arrow is currently on eBay with 23-hours remaining on the auction.
The current bid is $12,600.00.