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  • in reply to: Broadcloth sources #468562

    Hello Jim,

    SMS made some custom interior cloth for me.

    It took a looong time, but they eventually produced a nice roll of material that matches the interior cloth of my 1925 Series 80, 7-passenger, DeLuxe sedan.

    I probably waited for a year or so, but finally, after some harassment on my part, the material arrived.

    I have some idea that the delay was caused by their having an out-of-country, independent mill produce it.

    I paid about $100.00 per yard, which I thought was reasonable, considering that it was a full custom weave job.

    They have a good number of stock fabrics, but my Chauncey (my Series 80) needed matching fabric, and I used some other material that was “close”  for a few years.

    When the wait was over, then all I had to do was get my upholstery Gent to use it to redo the seat bottoms and backs.

    That is a work in progress, and I anticipate it being done by Summer (Please!).

    My Gent does top flight work, but can be a bit too considered when working on Pierce-Arrow pieces.

    He reproduced the three rear seating area silk roller shades, which he first did in a polyester material, but it would not roll up properly.

    I then bought silk, and it Works Like A Charm.

    He also commented on the complexity of the sewing done by the PAMCC in making those shades.

    Apparently, the shade edges had multiple seams, some French seams on the edges.

    He was impressed, but then again, he does a good deal of work for a Gent who owns and has restored, fancy 1930s Chrysler cars.

    His Chrysler cars are beautiful, but they are Not a Pierce-Arrow.

    Petter (my upholstery Gent- a Norwegian – that’s why 2-Ts) also fabricated for me two leather front kick panel pockets, With Flaps that are both spectacular and extremely useful.


    That’s my story, so if you like their offerings, you should have the material quickly.

    Custom is different.

    As a note, I am redoing my seats and not the door panels or headliner.  Not because they are in wonderful  condition, but because at least for the door panels, they are extremely complex and I don’t believe they an be replicated as crafted by the PAMCC.

    Okay, that’s enough for now.

    I’m going to finish my cigar, sip my Laphroaig scotch and wait for the 18 to 28-inches of SNOW that is supposed to blow in tonight as a blizzard and stay All DAY tomorrow.   EESCH!

    Be well and be in touch if you wish.




    Sent from Dr. Peter’s iPhone


    in reply to: Hood center hinge #468560


    See my reply to your question about upholstery.


    in reply to: Broadcloth sources #468551


    You should look at SMS Auto Fabrics.

    Here is their web address:

    I had good luck with them.



    in reply to: Need Hood latch Series 80/81 (Series 36 works) #468288

    Series 80 cars are nickel plated, not chrome!


    in reply to: 1925 Series 80 7pass Touring for sale on Ebay #467675


    Prior PAS member owned it.

    Here is the link to the Gent’s info.




    in reply to: 1925 Series 80 7pass Touring for sale on Ebay #467674


    I don’t know anything about the car, but it looks nice.

    Did you look up the VIN on this website?

    If not, you should.

    Below I will post the eBay link.


    in reply to: Sunday Drive #467639

    David and Donna,

    What a lovely motorcar!

    You deserve such a fabulous vehicle.



    in reply to: Series 80 Motor, Still Struggling #467557


    You should not be using traditional antifreeze with your car.

    It can cause your car to overheat and spew antifreeze, which is a frustrating MESS.

    I believe that a number of us use a combination of Distilled Water (available in gallons at your local supermarket) and an additive called something like PennCool (

    Then, you don’t have to change the liquid in your radiator but every zillion years.

    It may also prevent the bonding of dissimilar metals

    If I am incorrect on this matter, I am confident that someone will chime in.



    in reply to: Radiator Neck Inner-Diameter? #467541


    I also appreciate your input.

    I decided to use it as a mascot display piece, rather than as a functional Moto-Meter cap for my car.

    I have plenty of those.

    Thanks again.


    in reply to: Radiator Neck Inner-Diameter? #467508


    I have a substantial collection of dog-bone caps which now hold various sized Moto-Meters, so buying the most recent one was done on the chance this one would fit.

    It didn’t!

    I am currently not in the mood to spend another bunch of $$ to not only get this one to fit, but to re-plate it in nickel.

    I will probably be offering it for sale on the PAS website as soon as I take a few photos.

    Thanks for all of the input.


    in reply to: Bespoke and Respoke(d) #467507


    Very Nice!

    What was the cost?


    in reply to: Series 80 Motor, Still Struggling #467506


    Make sure you are using Wooden Wedges, a bunch of them all around, in the gaps between the block and the head!

    Use six or eight of them.

    Whack one with a hammer, then move to the next.

    I did it in the past and it will work, if slowly.

    Move from whacking one wedge to the next and back again.

    I trust that will work and the wood will keep the block and head from being damaged.


    in reply to: Radiator Neck Inner-Diameter? #467484

    Herbert and David,

    Measurements of the “new” dog-bone radiator cap OD is as follows.

    2.095″ – 2.096 and 2.092″. (only three measurements).

    The OD of an existing and usable cap threads is 2.013″.

    The ID of my radiator neck is 1.977.

    The pitch on both caps is 14.


    in reply to: Series 80 Motor, Still Struggling #467458

    I believe that your aluminum cylinder head is from a Series 81, so you original cast iron Series 80 cylinder head was replaced sometime in the past.

    in reply to: Series 80 Brakes: Lining, Etc. #467438


    That is valuable information.

    Perhaps it can be added to the Parts and Service Directory as a supplier of these hard to find commodities.

    Maybe David White will notice this and do so in his usual, excellent way.


    in reply to: Mascot auction Bonhams #467409

    Hello Tom & Joan,

    Thank you for the lead.

    I bought two (2) mascots, one of which was the Running Archer!




    in reply to: Series 80 ammeter electrical question #467061


    Just in case you need a new gauge, you can look on eBay for a “Vintage AMPERES” gauge.

    There are at least a dozen currently (no pun) available on eBay, although the faces on some are WHITE.

    I believe that you can always remove the faceplate with a very ting screwdriver, and replace it with the Black one from your Pierce-Arrow.

    The Packard, Amperes / Oil Pressure gauge set is near identical in shape, size and configuration, perhaps, save for color, as that on the Pierce-Arrow.

    Some have Black faces.

    It will be good for you to start collecting replacement parts, especially electrical parts, for your Series 80, as they are increasingly difficult  to find and you should snag them when you see them.

    Just don’t tell your wife!

    Apropos of the wiring on the car, it will not be that difficult.

    You need to buy a number of different colored rolls of electrical wire.

    Get one in Black and one in Red, and then a few that are multi-colored rolls which come with White or Black tracers.

    I recall that the most difficult wiring is behind the dashboard, as you may have to be lying on your back on the floor and working upward.

    The headlight and taillight run is relatively simple, although you need to run it through the conduit that runs fore to aft.

    I don’t totally recall, but I may have had to run a nylon string, or just SS-wire through the conduit first and then affix the electrical wire to the nylon string or SS-wire and carefully pull it through.

    At least in that way, you know that all of your wiring is new.

    The one wire that I did not replace was the wire that runs to the interiorDome Light, as it may require removing some of the “B-Pillar”  upholstery to do it.

    I rarely use that light anyway.

    Restoration Supply and other vendors carry that type wire.

    As for the gauge, I do not recall (a mind is a terrible thing to lose!), however I believe for MOST applications will require 12- to 14-gauge wire.

    For some of the direct to Battery leads may require 16 t0 18-gauge wire.

    If I am wrong, I am confident that someone here will correct me.

    If you ave any questions on any of this, please feel free to telephone.








    in reply to: Series 80 ammeter electrical question #467052


    The 6v Rayovac battery is an excellent suggestion for testing your wiring.

    Also remember that your Pierce is a POSITIVE GROUND car.

    A good source for 6V ammeters is eBay.

    I believe that I just bought one there today.


    in reply to: Owen Dyneto Cutout #466467


    You should do an eBay search with the keywords: Owen Dyneto 40300 cutout.

    I saw three of them there this morning.



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