I admit I agree with Dave Coco on the light. I also would not install the other lights. They were not available in 29,30,31, or 32. As a matter of fact, no car when new was delivered with trip lights from the factory or dealer until late 33 according to some experts who did fairly extensive research on the subject. If I remember correctly only two or three cars have had them documented when new. I have never seen a set of them that I am convinced are pre war, never mind factory or dealer installed. They are rapidly becoming a no-no at Pebble and other concours. There’s lots of them for sale now, and they are much less valuable than they used to be. I like the clean looks of a factory car. Too much junk and bling are out of place in the 29 to 38 era. I also think the lights are going to be challenged when judging the car in the future. Without documentation the lights could be a heavy deduction. Just my two cents.
I’m not a fan of all the extra lights, either, but was trying not to fuss too much at Richard, still very grateful that he found the P-A wagon for me! Thanks again!
If you take a look at the side picture of the ’29 that you have, as you found it, notice how smooth and clean and nice the side view of the car is….it doesn’t need a bunch of accessories to make it look classy…
I believe that my trippe lights are orignal. Every ware mark, rusty bolt and most important wiring indicate original. The wires are threw the harnes, not independant wires added later.
My car is never going to get to Pebble Beach, nor is it going to Gilmore just to be judged. I can not afford a concourse restoration nor do I want one. I would hate to drive my car and be terrified that a nick or scratch would cause a dudction in points later on. That would ruin the whole purpose of having this car for me. My car will not be a garage queen.
Everyone has had extreme opinions on my car. Some openly on this site and some have privately “cautioned” (for lack of better word), me via email. Even on extra accessories like the vacuum, fire extinguisher, trunk et…… I have recieved extreme responses. My point is, there is no absolute correct answer that everyone will agree on, on any one car.
To be truthful, at first I was afronted with the assault of opinions that came my way. (Of my own invitation). However, I then stood back and took each response as a learning curve. It was actually quite helpful. No matter whether I thought it had merrit or not, it gave me a large basis of knowledge in making my final decsions on virtually everything about my car.
Keep the comments comming. I may not agree, nor heed everyones warning, but I have learned volumes from all your input. I do apreciate it greatly. Rick
Hi Rick, your car will look just fine if your happy . I like lights too. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes, Richard.
Richard, I only post as a basis for information. I restore my cars as I please. My 36 V-12 has several non authentic things on it that it would never had been placed on it when new, or used. I put them on for myself. I encourage everyone to do the same also. I post only for a foundation of information. If you do judge, extra lights just means more bulbs to burn out or have a bad ground, possibly causing point loss. Posted below is my 36 V-12 club sedan. Most like the color, some say it’s terrible. I still like it 20 years later. I think it’s safe to say not one single PAS member would ever post here to offend or disparage a car or an owners choice on restoration. I have enjoyed all the posting lately, much about your car has expanded to other posts. I hope they continue. All my best, Ed.
My “ARROW BLUE”” Pierce.”
Here is a shot of my 32 Series 54 coupe. I don’t care for the trunk or the single stationary trip light on the car. I bought the car with them on it, if I ever removed them for service or repair I would NOT install them again. I leave them on it to remember and honor the man who took the car out of the junk yard and brought the car home to restore. Even though he’s passed on more than 10 years, I think it’s a nice tribute to leave it the way it is until the next caretaker has the car. I am a purist as is Dave Coco. I like the factory lines unbroken with out a bunch of add on’s. When my car needed tires, I changed the paint colors on the wheels and went to white walls. I also made the missing trim rings for the wheels. It looks 200 percent better. But I didn’t alter the lines. Just my thoughts and taste. I welcome all comments both positive or negative. Ed.
With the new tires and painted wheels.
Interestingly, my car had come with chrome wire wheels, they were painted brown in an effort to save money on the restoration. I would liked to have done them in chrome, but the 16 thousand dollar price was too steep for me. I think this is a good example on how tire, wheel, and other options can drastically change how a car looks. The trunk is a factory supplied trunk that was on the car in 1952. All the chrome spears look rather busy and I was planning to remove them, but they too were on the car when it was placed in the junk yard during the war. Thus they remain. I almost forgot, I just bought some side mount covers for the 32, they won’t have the mirrors on them, as the ruin the hood lines.
Hi all,
If I sounded like sour grapes that was not my intent. All I was trying to say, no matter how well you restore your car, there will always be someone who will pick it apart. thats all.
Please keep all the information coming. I learned more in 5 months than I would have on my own in years.
This post has genreated 1522 views so far. Must be a new record. Always or never touch the topic of paint colors. lolololl
The rear wind wings may be too heavy for the rear cowl which has to be lifted. Also may look too heavy on balance. Usually these were used on open touring cars and were ‘fixed mounted’ to the back of the front seat. When you put the car together you will find yourself ‘fine tuning’ your thinking. I had to ‘back up’ several times and re-evaluate mine. AS for the authenticity of the lights. Look in my scrapbooks for “factory” pictures, probably in black and white, showing various front end shots. You may not like the mirrors on top of the side mounts. They are almost useless for practical use. Your Factory Catalogue shows several options.
The speed you are experiencing completing your car is absolutely amazing!
I am currently in consult with American Arrow on the rear wings. They have a design that folds in and attaches to one another if you have to lift the cowl. However, the weight is the issue at hand as you stated. We are still working on it. I will post the conclusion once we get there.
As usual Bill, your help is fantastic. Rick
p.s. Ed, even though I would never had the nerve to paint your car that blue, I love it on that car.
The cool thing about your car is in a 100 years someone will find it and some PA member will rember it as yours. They will inform that new caretaker, it would NOT be correct if you changed the Edgar blue. You have made that car a status original as it sits. Nice!
Rick, I’ve seen cars with trippe lights and chrome radiator stone guards that just look a little over done for my taste.
Not that they didn’t look great but they just looked a little bit too much in my opinion.
I do like trippe lights as lone as the radiator has painted shutters behind the.
I am anxious to see your car when it is complete and I hope you’re completely pleased with the results.
Ed, the trippe light on your car looks a little small and kind of lost given the overall size of a ’32 front end.
As for the spare tire mounted mirrors, the ones on my car have proven useful when I am backing into parking spaces or doing other parking lot maneuvers.
I do admit that they are pretty useless otherwise but I like their look and I’m sure my car left the factory with them so they will stay.
I really like the blue on your ’36 wouldn’t have been my choice but it works great on the car.
I would have never had the guts to choose such a color but the color works wonderfully on the car.
Thanks jak,
Im a criminal defense attorney. You have to have a thick skin for that biz.
It is fun to see all sorts of responses on all sorts of issues. My car and all its restoration issues brings out the knowledge and fun from of all of us.
I found this DC Phaeton on line awhile back and it has a lot of the “extras” you mentioned. While I will admit I am a purest at heart, I certainly wouldn’t kick this automobile out of my garage for over dressing!
I can’t wait to see your Pierce…Buffalo?
That’s the C harlie Chaplin touring car. It went for sale early in the year but didn’t bring the big money the owners expected.
I too love charlie chaplins car. You don’t see those colors very often. I don’t believe my car will be ready for any show this year. I am hoping, but doubt it. Though, my team is working incredibly quick, the chromer and interior guy has all of sudden has brought this project to a snails pace. Ofcourse, I want the quality and skill so it turns out perfect. However, my team has spoiled me with their spead and quality. lolol (yup, im a brat)lolo
I might go to the show without a car. just to wintness one of these events.) With my luck and impulsivity, I would come without and go home with a car.