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  • in reply to: fuel gauge #413635

    Ken and James,

    I overhauled / replaced the K-S system in entirety and it still doesn’t work properly.

    Tony Zappone once suggested to me a novel and foolproof solution to the infernal K-S fuel gauge problem.

    He told me the he took a piece of the RED TUBING that comes with WD-40, cut it to size and dropped it into the open top of the Fuel Gauge Sight Tube.

    His fuel is now always three-quarters full and he just gasses up before any major drive or tour day.

    Essentially, I do the same, that I gas up a bit, or a lot, before going off for the day.

    At PAS Meets, I admonish new members to Fill-UP every morning before a tour.

    One Gent who I specifically urged to do so, and who was later fuel-less on the side of the road, explained to me that he “did not intend to run out of gas.”

    Ken, one needs to have the gas tank filled before topping off the liquid in the K-S system. That creates a “baseline” for the hydrostatic system.

    I would suppose that you need to FILL-UP before you can determine if the gauge will again work correctly.

    However, sometimes you just need to add more of the red liquid, which by the way, is UV sensitive, so if exposed to too much sun, the red liquid turns clear.


    in reply to: LED Headlight Bulbs #409230


    No info from the Brit who was making the bulbs.

    I looked at the Logo Lites video piece and the 32/50 bulbs are impressive and appear to be better than the 32CP incandescent in my car.

    The color of the light is of most importance when driving at night.

    The price is what one would expect, and considering the price of replacing anything on a Pierce-Arrow, it is not a good deal of dough.

    We will see if I spring for a pair in the next month.


    in reply to: fuel gauge #409209


    That fuel gauge looks like it is a hydrostatic type.

    Is that correct, and if so, do they work better than my King-Seeley, which is not really functional?


    in reply to: THE OPTIMA DEAL IS ON THE WAY! #409198


    Here is the homemade arrangement of what Ken suggested.


    in reply to: Trippe Light wrench #409135


    There is a Trippe Light wrench on eBay for sale, unfortunately, it comes with a set of Trippe Lights and costs $1,400.00, plus S&H.


    in reply to: Trippe Light wrench #409124


    Contact Karl Krouch.

    If anyone has one, it will be Karl.

    If he doesn’t have one, knowing Karl, with some lead time, he will be able to find one.


    PS: BTW, Karl will likely be looking at this post in the next day or so. Hi Karl!

    in reply to: Trippe Light wrench #409119


    BTW, have you looked at the Bionic wrenches?

    They grab just about any nut head, multi-point or stripped heads.


    in reply to: ’33 U joints #409108


    You are a veritable fount of knowledge!


    in reply to: Car History #409095


    The history shows that the car was once owned by a John J. Doherty of Spokane, Washington.


    in reply to: How about a Bus. #409055


    I second that Emotion!

    We did that at last year’s Meet, but NO BUS.

    Napa & Pierce-Arrow was sublime.


    in reply to: Fuel primer pump #408990


    I guess that you could also have a leak where the fuel line from the carburetor connects to the bottom part of the valve, but the solution for that is equally simple as outlined above.


    in reply to: Fuel primer pump #408989


    It is not difficult to repair a leaky primer valve, as it only has two moving parts, the Needle Valve Pin and the spring that snaps it back into place.

    A piece of very fine sandpaper should remove any crevices in the Needle Valve Pin so that it seats properly.

    Just be sure that all of the abrasive is cleared from the pin before you reassemble the unit.

    The body (top part) unscrews from the bottom part that screws into the intake manifold,

    One could have a leak in either screw in union, but a bit of either teflon tape (?) or some other sealant will stem any leaks.

    While cranking the engine, one pulls on the Primer Pull in the passenger compartment and if one’s car is set up properly, the engine should fire after 2 to 3-seconds / cranks.


    in reply to: Woodwork 36-UU #408952


    Peter Fawcett is a PAS member and can be reached via email through this website.

    Below, I list his full contact information.


    Peter Fawcett

    106 Palmerston Avenue

    Whitby, Ontario L1N 3E5 Canada

    Office Phone: 905/668-4446

    Email to: [email protected]

    in reply to: Fuel primer pump #408951


    Above, Ed Minnie suggested that you telephone John Cislak as he might have the part you seek.

    However, I believe that Ed did not understand that you live in Lithuania.

    John Cislak is a PAS member and can be contacted via email at: [email protected].

    Good luck,


    in reply to: Woodwork 36-UU #408934


    If you look at the PAS Roster (in the Member Pages Section, just to the left of this message), you can search for PAS members who own the 1911 36-UU.

    You will find at least six.

    If I were you, I would contact each of them by email and see what they might have in terms of what you need.

    I rather expect that some of them restored, or had restored, their 36-UU.

    I trust that this information is helpful.


    in reply to: More current photos of the 29 DC Phaeton #408911


    Either the bottom two photos are pre-restoration, or you better advise your restorer to get the rust off of the car.


    in reply to: photos #408897


    Thanks for reminding me of the origin of the Banner /Banner photo.

    I think it is GRAND.

    I do know that you collect all things Pierce-Arrow and I imagine that your collection would take days to review.

    Thank you for your contribution to preserving the Pierce-Arrow history.

    You are a maybe not so mini-Pierce-Arrow museum.


    in reply to: photos #408895


    The price of a New Pierce-Arrow!

    Actually, I don’t have the banner, just the photo, but I am considering a project of reproducing a few dozen of them and offering them for sale.

    What do you all think?


    in reply to: photos #413599


    Here is a photo that I reduced from 4.5mb to 169kb.

    It is a photo of Myron Edson Forbes, wife and friends.

    MEF was then president of the PAMCC and is the man who had P-A develop the Series 80 and Series 81 motorcars.

    The Series 80 was his “baby” and he is said to have only owned the Series 80/81 cars versus the larger Series 33 cars.

    The ownership information comes from his grandson, who also said that Mrs. MEF did not have a driver’s license and was only driven in those cars while MEF was the PAMCC president.


    in reply to: photos #408890


    I have posted this before, but for those of you who are MAC users, you can EXPORT your photos in smaller sizes.

    Also, if that results in a photo that is too small in scale, you can use PREVIEW to do the same.


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