I have a Very Nice one that I MAY BE Willing to LOAN YOU, but you will have to Guarantee that I will GET IT BACK!
You would have to send me the TITLE to your car, just in case, or your First Born Son!
Let me know and we can work out a plan.
Best regards,
Every person who has thoughts of refurbishing vintage automobiles should have at least one set of Thread Chasers.
I have two (2) sets because the smaller set has a few thread chasers not in the Larger set.
Harbor Freight!
If interested, go to eBay and search for the following:
1936 Olds Headlight Lens Guide Multibeam
There are a BUNCH of this style headlight lenses available, but I DK if they will fit your Pierce.
Have FUN searching,
I had nothing to do this morning, so I searched eBay and found the following:
I had an NOS set of these a few years back and sold them individually for $300.00.
This one is a DEAL!
Here are photos of the side view mirrors that I installed.
It is difficult to Pound Out the pins for the top hinges, hinges that had been in place since 1925.
By twisting the center knob the mirror moves forward from the center and causes the mirror to angle out so that the driver has “some” view of the left and right outsides of the car.
It is not very efficient and “head-checks” are required.
For that reason I installed exterior side view mirrors (photos following).
My 1925, Series 80, 7-passenger, DeLuxe Sedan (named Chauncey) has a Full-Width, Two part interior rear view mirror.
It adjusts by moving the center out to provide “some” Side-View experience. However I always do a Head Check before I change lanes.
It is not as though I weave through traffic, as 45 – 50-mph is the maximum speed I can get out of Chauncey.
I will post a photo of it soon.
Someone may wish to contact one of the following for that photo:
Bob Sands
Jim Sandoro
Erie County Library
Erie County Historical Society
If one of those persons or institutions doesn’t have one, Good Luck on finding one.
I am a Buffalo Boy, and I don’t know where else one could go, except to Steve Rossi, who seems to be able to find all sorts of obscure Pierce-Arrow stuff and info.
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello Phil,</p>
Do you still have any of those parts available?
I am a Series 80 parts hoarder and am interested.
You don’t happen to have a Series 80 cylinder head?
Please be in touch if you have anything left to sell.
Best regards,
Peter Williams
Hello Herb,
Sorry for the much delayed reply to this message.
If one looks at the Webpage activity, one sees that the current number of visitors is Much Reduced from the activity common when our Excellent & Esteemed Paul Morris was the Website Grand Master.
It is a Royal Pain to navigate for some of we PAS Gents.
I believe it is like with this post where there seems to be no automatic capitalization, therefore it takes MUCH LONGER to post anything because one needs to Spellcheck for Caps on each outing to post a website comment.
oh well!
see what I mean!
no automatic caps at the beginning of a sentence
Gentlemen & Ladies,
I have never been pleased with the “new and improved” website.
Our previous website, the Paul Morris (PM) version of the website, was far more intuitive and easy to navigate.
Of course, it is no longer available for reviewing its details, so I just go upon my recollection of the countless interesting and happy hours I spent on it.
Apropos of the relatively few minutes per day / hours per week that I now spend upon the PAS website, it is because the New Website IS A DRAG!.
I just do not like the look, feel and navigation demands now required.
It does not feel intuitive, and I also understand that it is very expensive for the PAS to maintain (perhaps, I am incorrect).
Again, I would prefer a miraculous return of the previous PM version, but I do understand that aside from throwing Paul under-the-bus, we need to live with what is available.
That stated, just because we need to live with what we have, it does not mean that we have to like it, or frequent it.
This is likely the most time I have spent on this website since it changed.
Curtiss, thank you for raising the issue for discussion, AND LOOK HOW LONG it has been from the first posting on the matter (7 September) until I got in on the chit-chat (21 September).