Hello Arvydas,
A Wiring and Tune-up Guide (for 1913-1938 models) is available through the PAS Company Store; see the “Members” tab farthest to the right-hand side.
Good luck, Stu Blair
This same auction car is also listed in the current Hemmings; link with 5 good photos.
Jim, Perhaps, if requested, the auction company would have the owner / restorer contact you to answer any questions. I’d certainly want to drive the car to ensure the trans. & O/D operate correctly and to listen for any strange noises from under the hood. And since the car was disassembled, a close inspection of body and interior hardware, rubber and gaskets used would prove the quality of the final assembly. Stu
The 3rd photo in on the auction site (of the engine and L-F fender) best shows the body color as very dark green (almost black in certain light).
Sometime around 2011, I had discussed a 1602 listed in Hemmings with Ed Minnie. The body had been freshly painted in dark green but the car was otherwise disassembled; the car was listed as complete (although in boxes) with a good running engine but needing a complete interior plus reassembly. It was noted the 1602 discussed in 2011 had chromed door hinges which were not correct. When I called the owner in S.C. the car had already been sold. A couple of years later, that 1602 with the chromed door hinges was listed on eBay, no longer in SC but still disassembled. In just looking at the photos on the auction site, I noticed this 1602 being sold this Fall has chromed door hinges. Could this be the same car but now finished? I did notice the unpainted hubcaps plus the Pierce emblem below the trunk lid was not present.
Try this YouTube link…
The below reply “optional URL” is set-up to enter just “www.xyz.com,” the http prefix is embedded; if you copy and paste a link you’ll end up with two “http’s,” the HyperText Transfer Protocol works correctly if you delete the “http://” prefix before you click “Submit Message.”
Interesting video, thanks for sharing.
Five Points rebuilt the shocks for our ’36.
Their price was great and turn-around time was fast.
I’d certainly use them again.
Thank you David for the anti-freeze explanation and the link to AACA site.
As part of this discussion, can the subject of anti-freeze be added – also to the suggested update to the “lubricants and other” addition to the parts and service page.
We now have “purified water” (not distilled water) with Pencool 3000 added in our ’36, however, I’ve read certain types of modern anti-freeze can be detrimental. Would someone elaborate on this?
In the interim, for newer Pierce-Arrows, it has been recommended to use GL-1 rated gear oil in the transmission and GL-4 gear oil in the differential; both are available at NAPA stores.
I agree the addition of a “lubricants list”” to the Parts & Service page would be of benefit to most all PAS members.”
Greg / George,
FYI, the K & N E-3380 was received; the outer plastic perimeter flange was trimmed-off with an Exacto knife and the filter actually fits inside the metal cage with the wire mesh removed. The whole assembly went back together as it came apart without any special lock washers, etc. and it’s back in the car.
Thank you both again, Stu
Thank you all for your replies; a K&N filter has been ordered.
Best regards, Stu
The big Lincoln K’s had fender mounted headlights beginning in 1937 when P-A was still in production. The Lincoln Zephyr had fender mounted headlights with its introduction in 1936. It would be interesting to know if Lincoln had a NYC “plan B” for bracket mounted lights – or – if by 1936, NYC was no longer enforcing that law.
Today, the life of a patent is 20 years; “assuming” the same life back in 1913, PA’s fender mounted patent design (applied for in 1913 & issued in 1914) would have expired in 1933 or 1934. PA could have also trademarked the fender mounted headlight design the rights to which would have lived through 1938.
UPS delivered our battery this afternoon; thank you for again leading this promotion for the PAS.
David, this would look great in your garage!
This is shocking…
I requested the discount code Sunday and received the code on Monday.
I ordered the battery on Tuesday and Optima shipped the battery on Wednesday.
I’m getting a positive charge out of Optima’s efficient service!
In comparison, all other batteries are revolting.
Thank you Peter for coordinating this discount with Optima.
For those yet to purchase a battery, one item to note, at checkout – and after you’ve entered your Optima code, hit the button “apply discount”” and the total charge will be reduced by the PAS discount and the free shipping.”
In this same RM auction, a second P-A, a 1919 Model 31 Vestibule Suburban, sold for $86,800.
RM Auctions – Amelia Island results, Saturday, March 10th:
The 1933 P-A 1247 Twelve convertible sedan by LeBaron, sold for $335,000.
Ed Minnie – are you the lucky high bidder?