Hi Jim,
I have a 29 Phaeton and am in the exact situation as you. My car is not painted as of yet. I found colors I loved looked totally differant in non metalic. The color was the same, but the lack of metalic left the color lifeless and flat. No matter how many coats of clear.
I found that selecting a color that will comand attention without drawing in the circus clowns was a difficult task.
Im a firm believer that you should pait your car the color YOU want. With that said, its like painting your house, be sure on what you select because its not easy to change and you have to live with it a long long time.
Best of luck. Rick
Take a look at Parts and services on this site. I just ordered a harness from Y and Z.
Way cool car. Thanks for the hostory. It alsways makes the car that much more cool.
Ya know! That car has a certain something. The color works better on that car than the 1930s
That spare and trunk set up is pretty cool. That extends at least 4-5 ft. wow!
I wonder if it would effect sales if somone made a super elegant showroom floor these days. They have all electronic gadgets, but most are cold and sterile looking.
View looking northeast at salesroom for Pierce Arrow automobiles owned by Smith Motor Company. Location, 1404 East Douglas Avenue. Wichita Ka
Would love to have that flag!
WOW!!!!!! You can see the quality of materials and workmanship, but WOW!!!! Not the car to be the abominal snowman. Wow!
However, you can still see the beauty of the Pierce peaking through its white mask of death.
Even this car has signs of class and dignity.
I see what the designer was going for. He/she failed but I understand why they thought it might look good on paper.
Im very curious about this white Pa. Do you have a picture of it? I would love to see it.
As I stated in the previous post, a PA has a certain something just because it is a PA. The picture above is of a tragicly modified car. Amongst the horrible wheels, giant bumper and assorted abominations, the Pierce Arrow still stands out. You can clearly see the quality and integrity of that car waiting for the day it will be brought back.
lololo I actually think we are all on the same page. We are just looking in from different windows. The colors of my car are not odd, nor carnival or brothel like.
A 1929 Pierce Arrow Dual Cowl Phaeton can stand on its own bones in any situation, amongst any company. The correct quality and color will only enhance what this car already exudes.
Wether people like or dislike the colors, amount of accesories or even the chrome, they will admit that this car is beautiful and exudes the integrity and class it had the day it drove away from Buffalo.
I am having great fun in the restoration of my car. Finding all the parts, learning as I go, and meeting some great people. Im afraid, I have very little experience in fixing or restoring cars so I have to rely on my restoration team to do whats right.
Their experince has spanned several decades with dozens of restorations under their belts. Granted, some have never so much as touched a Pierce arrow, while there are others that have experience with several. One is a mechanic that has rebuilt components for several PA cars. The chromer owns 3 himself. The engine guy has done a few PA cars. One other rebuild and several mechanical servicing on others. This is over and above 100’s of rebuilds of other models old and new.
I trust my team to do a quality job and make it correct. I also relay all the information from this site to them just to make sure. They are very accepting of your information. “better to recieve it and already know, then not too and have an awful surprise.” They actually love all your comments. “use womans panty hose”, “the babbits are better redone, then to take a chance on pot metals integrity ” etc……
There is one body guy who is so protective of this car, he has turned it into his child. He has it in the corner of the shop, no one can go around the car unless he is there. He sweeps up around it and talks to it every day. lololo When he disasembled it, he found a petrified mouse. He named it Pierce and placed him on a pipe that over looks the car and dubbed him the mascot of the restoration. Pierce is as dried out and flat as he can be. Im sure he is of 29 vintage too. lolo Ill snap a picture of Pierce.
Though, im building my car for myself to enjoy and look at, I too want it 29. Im sure there will be purest that can pick it apart and will. Thats ok,thats their thing. It will make me proud to own it and im sure it will hold its own at any meet/show that it attends.
The car will have non metalic paint and all the parts will be 29 or as close as I can find or is available. It will have chrome over what most will find acceptable but nothing will be chromed that wasn’t in 29. (or darn close)
where the purests and I disagree is on those items that were available options in 29 but were not on my car when it left the factory. I find nothing wrong with putting those options on the car if the factory drill hole is there and I have the original part. This type of descison is one that only the current caretaker can make. There will always be a dispute of what is correct etc….. My choice is to give my car the gift of an option he was robbed of in 29. I guess my thoughts are as simple as “Why not!”
As Bill mentioned, we are only care takers of these pieces of rolling artwork. If nothing else, my restoration is a mechanism to freeze the the car in time so it will not deteriate any further. The next caretaker might find it apalling and tear it down and do it all over again. This time as a hot rod (hopfully not) or a concourse restoration. My beautiful car is to be driven loved and enjoyed, right down to the last nut and bolt by all, especially me!
Keep the comments coming. No such thing as too much information. As long as everyone still likes the photos and updates, I will continue posting them.
Once again, thanks to those who have dug into there secret stash of parts and supplied me with info and beautiful nos parts for this car. You are amazing. Especially Bill and Dr. Pete.
Just recieved a call from the engine guy. The babbits are slowing him down. it will take him another 4-5 weeks before the entire engine is done. Most of the wait time is the creation of these and other engine components. It will be worth the wait in the end.
The radiator is being redone as we speak. The tech called a few days ago. The radiator is solid but has a major blockage in the uper chamber. He is working on it all by hand. He does NOT want to place it in the vibrating tank. He is too concerned it might damage the core. After working on it for a while he has the flow moving but not to the extent it needs to be.
When the car was found it had been sitting since the 1950’s. The was no radiator cap in place. Im sure additional dirt and crud settled into the tank. He did notice there were no mites or rodants in the tank as he began cleaning it out. Over the years (25) he indicated that he has found, toys, rodants, earings and a small wrench in radiators he has restored.
The winter grille was removed before it was sent out. After lubing it up and working it back and forth,it moves back and forth with the ease of one finger.
The gas tank was returned last week. It only had 2 pin holes in the entire tank. It as the rest of the car was amazingly solid. Tank Renew said it was filled over half with dirt and crap. Thats a head scratcher. How can a gas tank that has never been removed from the car have over half of the volume of the tank be filled with dirt and crud????