Ok, I can’t seem to save a copy of the file that works, so here’s the long way around the barn
It opens for me, if it doesn’t work for others please let me know and I’ll try to figure another way to post it….thanks dc
The Nash is an actual car, somewhat of a mystery as apparently there were two Nash cars that had this headlight treatment. There was an article written about it in the Nash Times, I’m trying to find a copy.
The next thing that we have to worry about is eco-friendly wiring coating.
Seems that Toyota, for one, started using wiring that’s covered with a soy-based material, instead of petroleum based. Mice and rats love the stuff.
I believe most old car repro wiring now available is cloth covered over a plastic/petroleum based coating. Hopefully they won’t change.
I think the auction is not this coming, but the next weekend, 18/19th of May…
Only 1 length left, if anyone is thinking about it….
It can be made again, but it would take at least 6 confirmed orders to make another run.
Thanks to all who supported this project.
Go to the Pierce Facebook page and you can see it! Looks like a very nice car….
Wow, Paul, that’s a great ad to find!
I love that they were “forced” to use only twelve cylinder engines, and I know I would have been one of the ones whose “spine tingles as the newest transcontinental skyliner takes to the air”!!!!!
Well done, and then some….
Craig, that sounds correct. The two small pieces are, I believe, available from Steele rubber, although the ones available may be the later style. I’ve never known of a large repro mat being available for the Pierce, though.
On one of my Pierce cars, I took two single lip shaft seals with springs, that both fit snug in water packing housing and snug around water pump shaft.
I then installed them back to back, thus one seal was keeping water in, and one seal was keeping air out.
Worked like a charm….no leaks and no maintenance…
The Studebaker President mats are no longer being made, I’ve been told by a Studebaker parts dealer.
I’m going to work with the fellow from Utah, will take mat out next week, this week trying to get everything ready for Grand Classic in Gettysburg..
Thanks for all the input dc
No, they are not like those…that’s just a little rectangular mat that’s 20 inches or so – the mat I’m discussing is shaped like the front floor, and much more complicated….
I’ll see if I can find out about the Studebaker connection…thanks
I’ve made contact with Ron, he says a rough idea is that he needs drawing, full size template, pencil rub of Pierce logo, and as many details as possible.
I’m going to get all those to him.
What I need:
-I’m giving him dimensions and info for a 1931 Model 43 front floor mat
-Don’t know how the dimensions of these compare to other models/years
-as mentioned, can modify/add edge flat border area to fit other cars
-I can make a paper template, and send to anyone to see if it fits, and/or how much to add for a border which can be trimmed…
-would like to send templates, or get dimensional information, to/from owners of:
-1929-31 open car owners, all models
-1932 open car owners, all models
-other open cars?
-or, if you can, make a drawing of your front floorboard area with all dimensions and send to me.
So, please advise if you can help with above dimensions.
First mat, with cost of mold, is around $1200. Cost goes down the more we can have made, would like to target $600 or less each if enough people interested. Thanks David C.
Tom, thank you very much, at least now I have a place to start. I’d say if we could get them made to sell at $400, I’d buy one for sure, compared to a lot of reproduced stuff that doesn’t sound expensive. I understand the running board mat guy mentioned previously, in Canada, charges over $1000 for a set of running board mats.
I’ll contact Ron and see what he says, thanks again. dc
Yes, the outer edges are flat, so that makes sense to make it larger and trim to fit various models.
Trying not to sound like a smart acre, but it’s mentioned that “it should be easy”…if anyone really knows an “easy” way to duplicate a large rubber mat, with a moderately complicated pattern and a logo in the middle, please let me know.
“Just touching that old rubber will cause it to break apart”
Yes, that’s the case with mine. Just taking it out will make it lose a few pieces. I like that it’s the original, but at some point it will just be a pile of parts unless preserved.
I’m searching for the way to make a run of mats. I’d talked to Steele about making a mold for the rear vent window rubber, and they said the mold cost was $20K, which I find hard to believe. My plan at this point is to make a detailed drawing of the mat in my car, that would allow both quotes for making a mold and also verification if it would fit in YOUR car.
More to come thanks dc
I just had my phaeton out today for the first time this year, and happy to say it made a round trip (always a plus!).
I’ll take the mat out this weekend and get a picture. It’s getting very dry and brittle, every time I move it to get to the battery another piece seems to fall off.
It’s not just a simple ribbed mat. It has a border, and border’s around shift/brake and steering.
Picture worth a whole bunch of words, will try to get one this weekend. Thanks for comments! David C.
If anyone else wants a length of this rubber, be thinking about it. I only have 3 left. I can email you directions if you wish to look it over, or even send you a small sample if you desire. 15 foot piece, $110 shipped anywhere in continental US. thanks [email protected]