Arvydas, instead of searching by member name trying searching by vehicle.
Enter in the vehicle type (passenger car) the year (1936) and the model (1601).
The search will return a listing of all 1601 vehicles but you can look through and find the owners of the 7 passenger cars you need.
What a spectacular car to enjoy the mild fall weather.
Please post some pictures of your adventures.
With the scarcity of decent UU-2 carbs out there I may have to keep an eye out for a UUR-2 to run on the car and replace it with the original UU-2 I have on it now.
My current UU-2 is a ticking time bomb with the the condition of the pot metal main body.
What a great episode of Jay Leno’s garage.
Plenty of details about the car and a nice mix of on the road footage as well.
And judging from the comments, Pat just may have a new career as a video host!
Very sorry to hear of Phyliis’ passing.
My heart and prayers go out to Fay and her family.
The detail came out really nice.
Always good to find another quality plating source, thanks for passing it along.
I’ve used large truck mud flaps as radiator pads on other cars in the past.
They are usually cord reinforced rubber and are easy to work with.
The link posted by Stu has the correct description now.
I saw an email you sent but it had nothing in the body.
I will take a few pictures of the entire assembly and send them to your email.
But remember, I have an original UU-2 carb on my ’29 so the linkage will be different.
If I remember correctly, the UUR-2 has its choke linkage on the opposite side of the carb body than the UU-2 carb does.
Congratulations on the recent purchase, James.
When the get the chance please post some pictures of your newly acquired car.
And since you’ve been around for quite some time now I’m sure you know to pay close attention to everything Greg Long posts.
He’s a legend when it comes to Pierce mechanical issues and knowledge.
The car is beautiful.
Enjoy driving this great automobile.
If you need pictures of a UU-2 setup just post here and I will gladly take a bunch of pics of my setup.
But yes, the pot metal on the UU-2 is a ticking time bomb.
On the subject of brakes, our ’29 does not have any sort of power assist and it will stop extremely well for its size and age.
It will almost stop as well as any non-power brake ’50s drum brake car.
Driving in traffic is not nearly as nerve racking as driving our ’26 Rickenbacker.
Even though the ‘Rick’ is a much smaller and lighter car it does not stop as well as the Pierce.
The only place where the Pierce brakes are weak is while in reverse because the sliding 3rd shoe mechanism is working against you.
It can make for an interesting experience when backing down a steep driveway or off the ramps of a trailer.
That was a steal.
Even if you ultimately don’t like the look you scored a great deal.
It is truly a shame that a car as significant as a Silver Arrow was hacked up and destroyed.
I know the war effort had a little to do with the decision to scrap the car but I find it amazing that an original Silver Arrow would ever be considered just another ‘used car’.
I have been dead set against creating a FB account for years.
But at the behest of a cousin that does high end network security and a few others, I think I may take the plunge and create an account so I can help out the PAS in the process.
I don’t have much interest in connecting with former ‘friends’ of the past but if it helps the PAS it will be worth it.
A very nice article highlighting the PAS Meet.
St. Louis showed it’s brightest spots and best weather for the festivities.
I am very sorry to hear of his passing.
My prayers go out to his family.
I will let one of my uncles know of his passing since he is a very active member in the Franklin Club.
Nice resource for key blanks.
I removed my door handle and took it to an old school local locksmith and after many hours of searching in his inventory he found and cut a key for the door lock on my Pierce.
I doubt most locksmiths that haven’t been around for decades would have a blank so the eBay source is a great find.
I have been tempted to remove the steering lock assembly and take it to him but I have not done so.
An easy explanation of how to calculate series and parallel resistance.