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Would mud flap material work this?
I’ve used cloth reinforced rubber mud flap material as cushion material when mounting radiators and it may work in this instance as well.
Paul, send me the scanned image and I will post the image for you.
I look forward to hearing about your adventures in Big Blue.
And welcome to the PAS!
A nice sequence with a lot of vintage cars.
But the Pierce still outclasses them all!
That filter looks like it was made for the car.
Thanks for sharing and congrats on the new Pierce.
Milton is a heck of good guy to pick up a car from.
Here are the photos that John sent.
She is gorgeous and I would hate to see this car not be put back on the road.
If you want to email them to me I will post them for you.
Is there a Service Bulletin outlining the process of servicing the teens and twenties Pierce U joints?
So I went and checked out the mtfca website.
That was definitely an in-house design done with very old web design concepts in mind.
A lot of modern discussion boards use vBulletin.
I don’t know if our current site is using software that was purchased outright or is subscription based.
I also don’t know if it hosted by a member, the PAS Museum or with a hosting service.
I do know that vBulletin can be purchased outright or be subscription based and can be self hosted or service hosted.
I encourage the Committee to look at other enthusiast websites and get a feel for what they like or want in the new site.
Greg, The fan hub is an upgrade I have been pondering for some time now.
Looks like I will have to grab one before he decides to stop making them, I’d rather not have my radiator destroyed if the hub ever let go.
Rick, sort of off topic for this thread, but did you use the stock fan hub or did you pick one up from John Cislack?
If that is one of John’s you can’t tell it’s not original at all.
That is a beautiful car.
I’d love to see it next to Rick’s once he’s done with his.
What a great looking pair that would be.
Jim, that would not have been good for the pistons to have cardboard on them during startup.
Sometimes people don’t live up to the hype.
Attached picture has a caption that says it is a Scripps-Booth Showroom.
That is a great document to have along with your car.
I would frame it and have it in the garage next to the spot where it normally parks.
Everyone knows that if an old Harley isn’t leaking it’s out of oil.
But a lot of teens and twenties cars leaked from day one.
I know I’ve seen more than one vintage showroom photos of various car dealers and there are drip pans under the brand cars on the showroom floor.