The red inspection plate was a joke by my mechanic. He did that to mess with me. Its not staying that color. I believe I read somewhere the transmission should be yellow. However, this cars transmission was all natural when they took it out. I don’t bleive it had ever been taken out of the car before.
Cool photo!
Nice car. Do you also have pics of it before you updated the colors.
Where did your car get the name Chauncey? I love it. I have named my vehicles since my first. My son scoffs at me while my daughter follows my lead.
My father brought me to work with him when I was around 6. (1966). We walked a lady out to her car when we left. She got in and started calling her car by name. (I don’t remember the name). She looked at me and said “they have to have a name to wake up to. How would you like to wake up each morning without a name”. Made perfect sense to me ! lolol From that day forward, I named my bikes, motorcycles and cars.
As long as the the communication between my cars and myself is an occasional back fire or a mechanical moan or grown, I think Ill be ok. The 29 is Aristotle.
Those are pretty unusual. I bet they actually are more practical than the metal.
. The rubber would grip your shoe far better than the metal. Especially in the elements.
I agree!
Were your plates that redish color originaly or did you choose that color?
I think they both should come live in Minnesota. I think the 29 would be an awesome youngster between the two.
Are the step plates missign off the running board or are they just a dark color?
That is a super neat car. Would you consider posting a few more pictures of it. I can picture the driver holding the door for the lady/man of the estate.
Thanks Pete,
Once again, I am owing you a big thank you. Rick
lololol Wow! I keep learning new things about this car every day. 1929 had a very differant set of ideas on everything they did then today.
Thanks, Rick
I like the rain slicker. lololo I want one. At almost 100 yrs old, Archer needs to stay warm.
this is not my vanity but it looks exaclty the same.
lololo I guess there is a website for everything. I should buy a few to put in the smoking vanity. Mine has a match drawer and 3 little squares. A few cigars would look good. lolo Thanks Doc
Love the rain slicker on the Archer.
Would you post some more photos of your car. I would love to see all angles.