Tony, Thanks for offering to share. I’d be worried that electrocution might be an issue. Hope you had a good Christmas. Dave
Hi Greg, I hope you and Ken had a good Christmas. If that plow truck decides to stop working you are guaranteed of lots of snow…….. Dave
We should all be so lucky as to have to figure out how to get a “new” Pierce-Arrow down the chimney for Christmas. Great car Terry.
Tony, are you buried in snow yet?
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
Dave and Donna
Great looking project. It looks like you are making good progress. Thanks for the photos. Dave
Charles, I found the photo on-line. I have a 1928 Series 36 that has the white emblem, I was curious about the Fleet Arrow Emblem, so I went looking. This was the only photo I found. Do you have the Fleet Arrow it goes on and can you post a picture of it?
When you post a picture, make sure the resolution is less than 1200 pixels or so on the long dimension. For some reason the website doesn’t like higher resolution photos.
Apparently a different emblem from the cars. Do a web search for Radiator Emblem Restoration and there are several companies that restore them. Sorry no recommendations one way or the other.
How about this one?
This is the Radiator Emblem found only on 1928 P-A Series 36 and 81 cars. I don’t know if it is also on the Fleet Arrow. Is this what you have?
PASB 2018-5 has an article on the 33-38 brake systems. It is available on the website in the members section under the “Service Bulletins” tab. Sorry, I don’t have any actual experience in using them. Dave
According to the link below, front plates are not required on collector cars in Minnesota.
There was a Message Board thread a while back about running Evapo Rust as coolant for a period of time to remove rust from inside the block without having to tear the engine down. Time and heat make it work better. The thread will be appearing as an article in the Service Bulletin shortly. Dave
Rich, Congratulations on the “new”” car. I’ll guess we’ll have to come up your way again to see it. Dave”
Hi Ken,
You’re correct about value affecting the yearly fees. In California, if you go with a YOM plate, the car is subject to the regular yearly “value tax” that greatly increases yearly registration cost. If you go with a “Historical Vehicle” plate you don’t have to pay the value fees. The downside is that there are driving restrictions on the car, although I have never heard of anyone with Historical Plates getting stopped for using their car inappropriately.
At the time, for me, it was the difference between $500 and $75 per year, with the $500 dropping over time, although with this year’s increase in DMV fees, it would have gone up. Between that and DMV wanting to send the original, restored plates to Sacramento, it was a no brainer. For $400 a year, I can easily put the YOM plates on when I show the car (which I forgot to do at Rohnert Park).
Thanks for the offer of a room if I were to come to SLO to use your DMV office. When I register my next old car, I am going to go to the small town of Weaverville (2000 pop.) about 100 miles east of here. They actually have their own DMV office. We go that way regularly and I have heard reports that they are actually helpful and knowledgeable.
It was great meeting you and Twila at Rohnert Park. Hopefully we’ll see you at Potawatomi in June and/or at some Nor Cal events.
Calif. DMV offices are variable in what they will do. It sounds like some offices will accept a photo of the plate to send to Sacramento, mine would not. With the YOM plates my registration would have been over $500 per year. Consider yourself lucky to have people that are cooperative. Maybe I’ll come to San Luis Obispo next time I register an old car……..
Craig, The stated requirement that they had to go to Sacramento was why I did not go through with the process. Additionally, they wanted the extra fee plus you have to pay the standard DMV fees based on value. It was way cheaper to go with Antique Vehicle plates, which is what I ended up doing. Everything with Cal DMV is about fees. I have also been through the one person says this, the next person says that thing. I now go onto the DMV web site and look up what I am trying to do, print out what the website says needs to be done and take that with me when I go to the office. It stops a lot of unnecessary paperwork and multiple trips. Dave
Did you have to send the plates to Sacramento? My DMV office says I have to turn them in and they will send them to Sacramento and if they approve them they will send them back. If not approved they are gone.
The ’20’s (up to ’28) Series 33/36 also have a very different starting procedure. Go to the “Library” tab on the PAS website, enter the year and model of your car, and the list of docs in the Library comes up. The Owners Manual is downloadable in a pdf. It has a section on starting. Hopefully some of the 8 cyl owners will weigh in with some of the “tricks” for starting your car.
Don and Robert,
We had a great time with all of you riding with us at Rohnert Park. The great thing about a 7 passenger car is lots of room for company.
Don, I’m looking forward to seeing your car in Indiana and at California events once you get it out here.
I am not that familiar with setting the mag up on these cars, but the owners manual has a good section on it. Go to the “Library” tab on the left of the PAS home page and then type in the year and model of your car. The owner’s manual is available as a pdf download. I don’t know if yours is a Series 3 or 4 car, but the Series 48 B 4 manual is a much clearer scan and easier to read. The manual does not mention different spark plugs or gap for each system, but does give different timing for mag vs. battery. As far as talking to someone that knows these systems, George Teebay would be my recommendation. I hope this helps you out.
How’s the new building coming?
Drive it and enjoy it. Parts are available should something break,and cars eventually deteriorate faster just sitting than they do being driven once in a while. A great looking car.
Jim, The current owner of that car posted on the P-A Facebook page on July 18 looking for advice on selling the car at auction. He said it was his dad’s car. If you still want to contact him, check the Facebook page. Dave