Last I was told, that price was just for the Pierce. I inspected the car years ago………
Running to is fine……..lots of amps! When on tour I disconnect one so in the event of a Generator failure I have two batteries to run the car on. Works great.
I bought three last week.
Ron Blisset had photos of Indians in Pierce Arrow cars, he said they ordered them without back seats so they could haul their stuff.
Peter…….if you know the system you can beat it……. I made four brand new modern plates and left two outside to be weathered. I picked my own numbers and even style of the font. The weathered pair were the correct color for the year. The other pair or painted to match the car. They approved the first pair, and I installed the second pair on the car. I was able to check to get a good set of numbers that were not in use on their website. Presto! I have a set of year of manufacture plates, with a very low number. Life is good ! I love beating the system. ðŸ‘
Sorry, It was Anaheim…….. another possibility is it’s known to a club member who is also trying to buy it, and thus no answer. A nicely finished twelve would normally not be too difficult to track.
I just looked at the photos of the car on the Mecum auction site marked Airizona 2014. Nice color, nice interior, hard to tell condition just from photos. Underhood could use some details and sorting, but nothing earth shattering. What was the selling price? I have never seen the car in person or photos, although I own an identical car. It was my understanding the gentleman who restored it had an 8 and a 12, and sold the eight before the12 was finished if I remember correctly. Looks better in the burgundy than I thought it would. Interesting that who ever bought it isn’t know to club members. Strange auction to sell a Pierce 12 at.
David, I can get you in a Type 41 for under forty five million, straight cash deal. That’s an accurate price from the last six months………..if David passes, I’m sure they are open to other “near offersâ€.
Greg Long knows this car………..
There was a company called ………Fob of the month club. They reproduced hundreds of different types of watch fobs. I have seen four or five real ones over the years, and lots of modern reproductions. One should always assume EVERYTHING is fake or reproduction until proven otherwise. 95 percent of pocket watches are also fakes/modern dials.
It broke my heart to lend that motor David……..😢
Gone………! 😇
Gone…….! 😇
Brian, good luck with the sale. Market is soft right now. To move a car quickly can be quite a challenge.
Gotta love the Egge piston warrantee Ill send you a new piston………. gee thanks, more junk for my 60K motor that needs everything done again………nope…….
I had Egge piston failure for the first time in my car in 1988, along with a bunch of other people………I wouldn’t run them for any reason. I just did a V-12 Packard over in the last year…… had four bad pistons and three sets of cracked rings…………. don’t wast you time, or risk you motor. Ask John about the last five engines he did over for people…….more than 2/3 of his work is do overs from other shops when it comes to engine builds………..and you can guess why………… everyone tries to cheap out on parts…….fact is a custom set of Aries or Ross is not usually more than two or three hundred dollars more for a set of twelve. Want to know how much it costs to replace a block in a Packard twelve?
Egge Pistons…….throw them in the trash and order a set of Ross or Aries. Egge is now out of the piston business…….gee I wonder why? Ask the all the people with broken pistons and ruined engines why? Don’t be tempted to run those junk cans…… figure in the cost of a head gasket, time, finding a new set of rings for the old pistons, and a new set will not be that much more……….would you like names of people who have had multiple piston failure after they were replaced? For years I have been ranting and raving on the JUNK they sell…….pistons, valves, you name it.
I use the snap on miniature jump pack, works great, and it’s very small for the show field.
It’s a great bunch of people………..