As of last week John still had some in inventory. His number is 413-543-9017 east coast time, use the phone, not email, or it will take two weeks for him to get back to you. Ed
Hello, I have purchased a car through him. He is a decent guy who has his own cars and some on commission. He has been around a long time. He is straightforward and honest. Which of his cars are you intrested in? Ed
The joy of owning a Pierce Arrow…………man and machine become as one.
Give me a call before you pull the trigger on a car. Ed
That was a nice car, I followed it for thirty years. Drove it at the auction. It was a steal for the price it sold for. You won’t find one like that again for the price, car was 98 points and drove 100 percent.
Great car, more photos please!
John Cislak had some for sale on his spot at Hershey in October, give him a call, he may still have them.
If it only fits fire trucks it won’t be expensive. That doesn’t look like any Pierce cap I have handled. I would post on the AACA site asking for help. Ed
I agree with Dave!
By the way the new LED tail light and dash light bulbs are fantastic, five times brighter than stock, and use less amperage, and dont burn out. I install them on all of the drivers now.
One advantage of two batteries is the ability to drive for days if the generator burns out or stops charging. I run factory lead acid batteries in all my car, but have just begun to change over the collection to optima dual battery set up. I run both unless the car is going on tour, then I disconnect one and have a good fully charged spare in the car that can be conected in seconds, and get back on the road in the event of a charging failure. It is also nice to have if your cut out sticks and you dont notice it, killing your battery at a lunch or over night stop. The reserve power of both batteries is fantastic, and there is no dow side to them. Just BE SURE they are both fully charged before installation, so your generator doesnt have to do double duty getting them up to full charge. Ed
I believe that it was Austie according to several of his friends, and what I remember as a very young person. Ed
Rates and how you file depend on quite a few things. Cars can be treated as a capital gain, but also collectible rates may also apply, and they are higher. Ask your tax professional.
Time is short, delivery is less than eight weeks away. Ed
3.80 is what is being made. If any PAS members are intrested, contact me first before calling George. Thanks, Ed
By the way……there are handful of orders, the project is a go, and they will be done by March first. Don’t delay, the project WILL NOT BE DONE AGAIN!
I have ordered one for a Stutz. George is a lifelong friend and the person who introduced me to CCCA Classic Cars. Yup, it’s his fault I’m here……….he is a fantastic engineer, and you can be certain his parts are perfect. George was also instrumental in helping with the Pierce/Stutz Gemmer steering box project that was done ten years ago. Without him it would have never been done. Ed
The cotton is not the only thing that’s high on this forum………
I published the photo on Facebook yesterday of the Emperor…… media really get s round fast!
John Cislak had one for sale at Hershey, give him a call.