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  • in reply to: Oil Pump #408789

    Greg, it is Bob that is looking for an oil pump. :)

    But if Bob doesn’t email you I will just to jog your memory.

    in reply to: Oil Pump #408784

    Would it work to have a machine shop remove the excess from one end or the other?

    Hard to tell from the pics posted.

    That would be considerably cheaper than having an entire unit machined.

    in reply to: Discovery in oil pan #408783

    I’ve also heard of people using synthetic oil in an oil burner to lessen the amount of visible smoke so the car could be sold.

    I know back when I rode 2-stroke dirt bikes that the bikes would puff far less visible smoke when I used synthetic 2-stroke oil compared to regular dino oil.

    in reply to: Sad #408760

    Most modern auto enthusiast sites use vBulletin.

    It looks better and is more accommodating than what we have now.

    Transferring existing data into searchable threads would be the biggest issue with a move like that.

    That is no small task.

    in reply to: Rebuilt Engine Longevity #408752

    I would remove the chrome extension and mount a filter directly to the airhorn on the carb.

    For the valve cover breather tube I would just put a small breather cap or just let it free air.

    Just use the chrome extension for showing the car.

    in reply to: Sad #408721

    Someone put a ton of time and money into that car and they could have just restored it to its original glory for about the same effort.

    in reply to: With the snow bearing down on the east coast…. #408681

    $160,000 will get you an outhouse on a 200 Sq ft lot here in So Cal.


    in reply to: Rebuilt Engine Longevity #408675

    On my ’29, the rear valve cover has a tube where a short piece of tubing would connect and then that would connect to the air filter.

    Pretty much the same setup that cars in the 60’s had before they went to one with a PCV valve.

    in reply to: Barn Find #408645

    Milton is a great guy and it was a real pleasure to meet him for the first time back in 2006 at the Oregon Meet.

    Milton had corresponded for decades with my dad as they both have owned Rickenbackers since at least the 60’s so it was great to finally meet in person.

    You picked up a good Pierce from an outstanding person.

    And as David said, we’d love to see more pictures and get more details about the car.

    in reply to: Rebuilt Engine Longevity #408644

    I realize what short trips will do to an engine.

    Even modern cars that are used mainly for short trips will fall into the severe duty category and should be serviced as such.

    Short trips without fully warming up the engine are not only hard on the engine but are very hard on the exhaust system as well.

    The acids combined with the moisture still in a not fully warmed up exhaust system with rot out an exhaust system very quickly.

    Luckily for those of us with a Pierce 8, there is plenty of room around the carb to add a modern pod air filter.

    That is why I mentioned modern rebuild methods and maintenance.

    One issue for my car would be adding an oil filter system that was not available at the time the car was new.

    Sure, I could adapt a system from a later Pierce but it would not be correct.

    Then again, who cares about being perfectly correct unless you’re having the car competitively judged on a regular basis?

    Not having an oil filter has always bothered me and I’d have to look at the block to see if the block is even tapped for oil filter lines.

    in reply to: Barn Find #408633

    I thought I heard somewhere that Milt was selling this Pierce so he could dive even deeper into the many Rickenbackers he owns.

    in reply to: Silver Arrow styling?… #408613

    I see vague similarities but it has nowhere near the style and grace that Pierce Arrow designers produced with the Silver Arrow.

    I think if you changed the color it would lose most of its similarities.

    in reply to: 1927 Touring Car No. 337025 Original Dealer Documents #408593

    Looks like the paperwork sold for $18.

    Anyone here buy it?

    And where can I get a Deluxe Motormeter for $15? :)

    in reply to: What some of you are missing… #408590

    That hearse sure made sure the person went out in style.

    I seriously doubt there are many such vehicles still around.

    in reply to: 1927 Touring Car No. 337025 Original Dealer Documents #408577

    If I was the owner I would definitely be interested.

    One of our PAS historians can look up the number and see if it is still around or known to the PAS.

    in reply to: UU2 CARB FOUND #408562

    Also, I have always heard that you should never maintain a steady RPM for too long with a fresh engine.

    So even when you get the car out on the road try not to do too much steady freeway driving.

    in reply to: UU2 CARB FOUND #408554

    Congrats on the UU-2, they are getting harder and harder to find.

    Going to be a point where, unless new ones are cast, ’29s being judged will not get points off for not having a UU-2 under the hood.

    in reply to: Dome light #408516

    My ’29 works exactly as Bob has described.

    I have always heard the lights in the corners referred to as ‘opera lights’.

    Is that correct or are they really called something else?

    in reply to: 1931 Series 43 Passenger Heater #408470

    There is a Southwind heater on eBay right now.

    Looks to be in great shape but without knowing more about them I can’t tell if it is missing critical pieces.

    in reply to: Broadcloth #408467

    I suppose the striped broadcloth was a personal preference since my ’29 ED limo had solid colored cloth.

    The interior is original and it is a lighter blue, solid cloth.

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