It was a great meet and gave us an opportunity to know each other better. Many thanks to Marc and the delightful Ms. Deedee for their flowing hospitality. They are the epitome of Southern charm. Also kudos to Rick Horne and Elizabeth Enney for the tour of their garage. What a pleasant weekend with great weather, outstanding accommodations and fun people. Peter
Try an RV store, as the fuses are the same size as those used in RVs. If you still have problems finding them, contact me and I will send you some.
Hello kids,
Here is one of my Pierce loaded with kids in the 1980s
Hello Syd,
I have a few cigar lighters in various states of repair that may fit a rear vanity.
Perhaps, you can send a pic of the vanity and I can determine if I have something that will fit it.Best regards,
Peter Williams
Hello Carl,
You will be very happy with a real Pierce engine in your real Pierce!
Best regards,
Peter Williams
You must be kidding. If you don’t like it as it is, sell it!
Hello Kyle,
Do you need just the spring, or the whole assembly including the gear and sleeve?
If you need just the spring, can’t you find one of equal length, wire size & tension in a industrial parts supply company like
I did my timing chain last year and I am not sure the spring in the tensioner is anything special, per se.
I have an extra assembly and I think the spring is good, but I have to look to see how hard it is to get out of the assembly.
Please advise as to your thoughts on the matter.
Peter Williams
Hi Randy,
Some of the instruments on my Series 80 have a “Bar” that runs flat across the back of the instrument through two bar holders and attaches over the two bolts.
In the next few days, I will check my ignition switch / lighting cluster.
The Delco ignition is correct, as is the Waltham “8-day” clock.
The toggles for the Delco ignition / lights are available in either nickel or chrome through a 20’s Buick supplier, like Bob’s Automobilia.
Peter Williams
What type of lenses do you need? I have a pair of B&L Stars that may be appropriate for your vehicle. They are in very good shape, although they do not match in color, as one is slightly violet, while the other is nicely clear. I believe that they belong on a later Series 80 than mine, which is a 1924. Advise as you wish.