The Credits on the movie indicate that the Pierce-Arrow is a 1928, but gives no other information on ownership, etc.
WOW! That is interesting and it seems as though there is a simple solution that at worst could possibly maybe need a bit of heat.
Thank You PAS of your years of accumulated knowledge and willingness to publish it.
Keep us posted on your progress.
Great approach to introducing new members to the PAS website, Message Board, etc.
As understood by reading our new Friend’s (above) entry to the PAS, this is THE PLACE to be if one needs to learn their Pierce-Arrow to the core.
There are many excellent PAS members who are; “Need Wrench, I Travel!”
The concept and its execution, as I have observed and experienced, are Brilliant!
Welcome to the Pierce-Arrow Society, our new Friend!
Keep up the hard, yet rewarding work!
Good evening Todd,
Welcome to the Pierce-Arrow Society!
Buddy Up with some of the’29 Gents and come to the Regional & National Meetings
They can be a Blast, and you should learn a lot about your Pierce-Arrow
Hang out, and You will learn a lot!
Very best wishes,
Peter Williams
Yo, Calvin,
There is a nice selection of Sparton SOS horns on eBay.
One of the best things about it is the breadth of the listings.
Hello Calvin,
The Series 80 ran a Sparton SOS horn.
Ebay is likely a good source for finding that particular style Sparton horn.
If you cannot find one after a while, you might double back and see who besides me has a spare.
I am confident that some PASer has one with which they will part.
Hello Mena,
Nice little ride!
Welcome to the PAS!
Peter Williams
1925 Series 80, 7-Passenger DeLuxe Sedan
Although it is likely unusual to have such an intact Series 80, my car, which has been in the family since 1928, uses the Same Key for; the Door Lock (right-side front-door only, no lock on left), the Rear Spare Tire Carrier lock, the Ignition and anything else that requires a key.
The replacement key blank is a Y6, which is commonly available.
Getting this all straightened out required some; significant patience, internet searching and fortitude.
Did you ever get a hold of a hub puller?
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Kelly,</p>
I assume that you don’t have ANY KEY, correct?
The correct key for a 1925 Series 80 car is a: Y6.
I don’t know if your car takes the same Blank, but if you do not have a key, you do need a Locksmith.
If you might look on the Parts section of the Emporium to see what is listed.
Alternately, you can see Who has a ‘29 and contact one of those people to see what they have as a key
Tony Zappone, Bob Dluhy, Craig Lovrich were principals in making the 2023 PAS Meet a reality and an overwhelming success!
We all had a Blast!
Thank you!
I do not have any door releases.
There are a few Non-Pierce Arrow door releases on eBay.
Good luck,
I see, but in my searching, I have yet to find any of the spare latches that I believe that I have in my stash.
I will notify you if and when I find them.
Please post a photo of what it looks like now.
I believe that I have some spares, but I want to make sure.
The Deal for the Optima, 6V Red Top battery is DONE for this year.
I would like to thank everyone who participated and especially Optima Jim for originally offering PAS members “The Deal.”
Tell your PAS Friends to keep their eyes open next Spring, especially on the PAS Website Message Board, rather than on PAS mailings, so they Don’t Miss Out, or Near Miss Out on “The Deal”.
Of course, all of this hinges upon if we are sufficiently lucky to have The Deal again offered.
I hope to see many of you in Glens Falls next week
Keep Rolling,
Yo, Robert,
That would be correct!
Fricken Ridiculous!
Pierce-Arrow Members;
Yesterday, I was notified by Optima-Jim that because of scheduling issues, he EXTENDED “The Deal” until Friday, 16 June @ MID-AFTERNOON.
You have a bit of an extension, BUT DO NOT DELAY, or “The Deal” will be Done!
Hello PAS Members,
We are quickly approaching the Deadline for the Optima Battery Deal, which is: 6/14/23 @ 12:00 midnight.
If you are having difficulty making a Purchase, BE IN TOUCH, ASAP!
I trust that this will be another Favorable Year for The Optima Deal, as it has been in past years.
As usual, I wish to THANK Optima Jim for arranging The Deal.
Peter Williams
The Details on How to Order are Shown Above!