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  • in reply to: Ancient fossil #407541


    Is it all solid wood? I found some laminated sections on mine. Good luck with those finger joints. They have always intrigued me.

    You may want to look into Smith’s CPES. It is what I am using on my mahogany 1946 Century dual cockpit boat. Maybe you can save a few pieces.


    in reply to: Buying a car #407473


    That is a good idea, but what can they do other than report on the condition and the fact that the car exists? Once I wire someone money, how do I know I will get the car? I know this goes on every day, just not in my world.


    in reply to: Pierce Dealers #407442


    Thanks for the post. I hate to see any of our PA history disappear. I appreciate you posting the information for the record. The old dealerships are so cool.


    in reply to: Tire tubes problems #407425


    I noticed you had both 10 and 20 Mil tape, is that preferred or can you use either or?

    Looks like the 10 is for the sides and 20 for the center?


    in reply to: Pierce Dealers #407418

    I think someone in our society has a list of dealers. I think it would be a great project to see how many of the dealer locations still exist, before they suffer the same results as Charlotte.

    in reply to: Pierce Dealers #407406

    Sad news. I was in Charlotte, North Carolina this weekend and went by the 224 N. Tryon Street address associated with Dowling Motors and the building has been recently razed and some new construction has begun.

    Another piece of Pierce history is history. Sad.

    in reply to: Valves for truck engine #407368

    Maybe these people can help. I know nothing about them.

    in reply to: missing shocks for a 1930 Model A Pierce #407281

    I am missing my shift lever and retaining cup for my ’33 836.

    Sent to a plater who doesn’t return calls. Anyone have a spare.

    This world of faceless relationships, in my opinion, sucks.

    in reply to: PAS National Meet-Rohnert Park, CA. #407280

    I guess I need to start growing facial hair. Glad y’all (I guess since there several of you, it would be the plural of y’all or all y’all)

    Did you see Alfred and any of his birds in Bodega Bay.

    I was reduced to going into the garage and fondling my long stroke PA block.

    Continue to have fun.

    in reply to: Purolator #407179


    The Classic Car Club of America’s Southern California lists one

    PUROLATOR OIL FILTER DECAL. Nice finishing touch to a restored engine compartment. Red/gold/black 2-1/8_ round decal. $3.95 each. Please include 15% for packing and postage. California residents add 7-3/4% sales tax. Southern California Region CCCA, Larry Symons 818-704-9434 fax 818-887-1602

    in reply to: rust inhibitor #407099


    When Greg first mentioned the molasses to me, he did mention the odor, so I have mine outside and covered with plastic. One should also be careful as it also attracts animals when it is outside.


    in reply to: rust inhibitor #407097

    Must be politicians pricing it so you won’t use much.

    in reply to: rust inhibitor #407089

    Evaporust is a chelating compound. So is feed grade molasses, which is a lot cheaper. I just got my first batch of rusty parts out of a 9 to 1 water to molasses bath and there was absolutely no rust. It works slow, but it works great and leaves nothing harmful. Just a thought.

    in reply to: 1929 rear axle nut #407027


    Another thing to consider is once you have the axle taper seated, it takes tremendous force to unseat it.


    in reply to: Upgrading brakes? #406947

    Might as well get the 1913 66A on the same site for $350K. I think I saw an 02 also

    in reply to: 1929 rear axle nut #406890

    I would say that ANY 2018 steel will be better than 1929 Steel. What size is the nut? Height? Threads?

    in reply to: Window Crank Needed #406887

    Where’s the fun in that???

    in reply to: Purolator #406812

    There are numerous ones on ebay.

    in reply to: front floor mat for open cars, 1931, other years? #406746

    Need to drop one of the http:

    Here is a pic

    in reply to: front floor mat for open cars, 1931, other years? #406745
Viewing 20 posts - 421 through 440 (of 1,070 total)