Ed, thanks, that is a good tip. Thank you.
Dave, while not as helpful, you can also learn to break dance trying to take the caps off a moving car.
Thanks Dave and Jim,
I was afraid it was going to some down to something like skill.
Color and techniques would be appreciated.
I noticed the 836 Nick Engleman has in the Emporium has painted shutters. It also appears that the waterfall at the lower part of the inner grill is painted also.
Jack, James and Bill,
Thanks for the input. Jim, you make a good point, no need to reinvent the wheel.
Have a great Memorial Day, to the state siders and Jack, your care package will be on the way soon.
Here is a site. Good lead Bob, I need to solve this problem too.
Thank you. Is the arm held on with a Nut? It is hard to tell from the photo.
Photo 2
Photo didn’t post
You can also look up swamp cooler anode. Wal-Mart lists them, but it is probably regional.
It is up to 8.
Man, they have more springs than my mattress.
That should have said, “try this”””
If you were directing the last question to me, I have no idea as I had nothing but the oil line in mine. Everything else was missing.
Good feedback. Since mine is a ’33, it has an automatic choke and advance via a lever on the column.
I know what the Cuban cars look like, can’t comment on the Illinois version except there is no noise in Illinois except in Chicago and that is one loud interior.
Thanks Jim, Bob, David and William.
Ok so we have.
1. Temp gauge
2. Oil Pressure Gauge
3. Amp Gauge
4. Vacuum line
5. Coil
6. Startex
7. Generator relay
Does anyone know if that is correct? and if so which goes where?