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  • in reply to: Looking for rear top rests #407494


    Comparing photos, my Series 36 brackets look like they have more drop than the Series 33 brackets, so I don’t think my measurements would help you. I posted the photos of mine so you could get an idea of how they are made. I would suggest contacting an owner of a Series 33 4 p to get better photos and correct measurements. Contact information is listed in the Roster.

    Another person you might contact is the Technical Advisor, Paul Johnson. He has a Series 33 7 pass and a lot of knowledge of Series 33/36 cars. He would be very willing to assist you.


    in reply to: Looking for rear top rests #407488

    Second one.

    in reply to: Looking for rear top rests #413452

    Here is are a couple of photos of the bracket on my Series 36. Looking at Tony D’s photo it looks like his is more on the side of the car and may not have as much of a bend looking from the top. It is 5/8″ in diameter. This probably not exactly like yours, but should give you and idea what to look for. Dave

    in reply to: Looking for rear top rests #407487

    I believe Tony Wollesen and Bob Sohl both have S33 4 pass tourings. Both are listed in the roster. Bob has been selling off some S33 and S36 parts so you might check with him. The photo is of the back of Tony’s car. Sorry it isn’t clearer. If you would like, I can take some photos of the brackets on my Series 36 7 p. They are similar, although I don’t know if they are identical as the body on my car is different. Dave

    in reply to: Buying a car #407479

    Bill, do a web search for “Buying a collector car long distance””. All sorts of articles will pop up with good information on things to watch out for.


    in reply to: HCCA website #407439

    Scott, It has worked OK for me the last several days. I checked this morning and it is OK. Brad did respond to both a post on the HCCA Facebook page and Facebook messaging. I am using Firefox, but also tried MS Edge and it worked there also. Are you using: ?


    in reply to: HCCA website #407436

    Scott, Brad has been responsive through Facebook messaging. I got a message from him a couple of hours ago and he said it all appears to be working. I have been able to access the classifieds and in fact there has been a Pierce-Arrow Conv. Coupe added to it.

    Try contacting him through Facebook messaging.


    in reply to: HCCA website #407434

    Scott, here is the response I got from Brad through the Facebook page: Yes Dave … there was. I moved to new VPS (virtual private server) hosting and got the ssl certificate moved for, but’s ssl cert took longer making https connections not work on Our Website and the Boards should be back working. Unfortunately, I made a backup of the Boards just before the move, but it would not restore on the new server and I had to use the backup from a few days earlier. Unfortunately, one or two Board posts appear to have gotten lost.

    in reply to: HCCA website #407432

    Scott, I have been able to get to the HCCA website all afternoon and evening, including classifieds. I cleared my history and cache just to make sure I wasn’t getting a stored copy. However, There are no posts past June on the Discussion Board and some pictures have disappeared out of the classifieds. I tried to log on to post on the Discussion Board and got a page unavailable message, so something is going on. Have you tried contacting Brad through the HCCA Facebook page? If there is a HCCA server issue perhaps his HCCA e-mail may not be going through. -Dave

    in reply to: HCCA website #407427

    I was just on it, however, I could not get on it a few days ago. The ads appear to have lost pictures and the Discussion board has lost recent posts.

    in reply to: PHISHING #407339

    Check with Paul Morris, the Webmaster, or Janet Lange, the Membership Chair to see if any changes were made. There was an issue a few weeks ago where the entire membership data base was accidentally corrupted and had to be re-installed. Maybe something similar happened today.

    Looks like phishing to me. I did not get it, but my e-mail is incorrect in the database. Dave

    in reply to: PAS National Meet-Rohnert Park, CA. #407306

    Don, We enjoyed having you ride along. Good luck on finding a car of your own.

    Ken and Twila, It was great meeting you.


    in reply to: Boundary of the Olympics Tour Invitation #407316

    …well at least your car is older, although it did make it to Hurricane Ridge in fine style.

    I am not much of a Facebook person, but I do think that our Facebook page is a good way to attract non-members to our events and Society membership.

    in reply to: Boundary of the Olympics Tour Invitation #407311

    We took our Pierce-Arrow on a Nickel Era Tour in this area in May (as did Rich). We went to many of the same places, it is beautiful country with great touring.

    Rich, you might consider posting this on the Facebook page also, you might pick up a non member or two.

    in reply to: PAS National Meet-Rohnert Park, CA. #407295

    Some of the Pierce-Arrows at another private collection.

    in reply to: PAS National Meet-Rohnert Park, CA. #407294

    A small portion of the Pat Craig collection.

    in reply to: PAS National Meet-Rohnert Park, CA. #407293

    Jim Oshner’s and Bob Jacobson’s cars at the Hillsborough Concours.

    in reply to: PAS National Meet-Rohnert Park, CA. #407268

    California Coast near Bodega Bay.

    in reply to: PAS National Meet-Rohnert Park, CA. #407267

    Armstrong Redwoods State Park.

    in reply to: PAS National Meet-Rohnert Park, CA. #407263

    Castelli Winery and Memorabilia Collections

Viewing 20 posts - 341 through 360 (of 492 total)